
unusual facts about Clinical trial

Italo Cappabianca

He was diagnosed with brain cancer in the summer of 1999 and underwent an experimental gene therapy treatment at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.


In January 2008 a clinical trial was submitted to the United States National Institutes of Health to measure the safety and effectiveness of Bryostatin 1 in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.

Crossover study

A crossover clinical trial is a repeated measures design in which each patient is randomly assigned to a sequence of treatments, including at least two treatments (of which one "treatment" may be a standard treatment or a placebo).

Entry inhibitor

A polyclonal caprine antibody is in phase II human clinical trials that targets, among others sites, the GP41 transmembrane glycoprotein.

Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007

To modernize product development, accelerate innovation, and enhance product food safety with clinical trial registries provisions by an advisory committee intended to enhance drug safety.

Melanotan II

A pilot Phase I clinical trial conducted on three males by the College of Medicine, Pharmacology Department, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona published in 1996 reported that, "Melanotan II has tanning activity in humans given only 5 low doses every other day by subcutaneous injection."

Methylthioninium chloride

Methylthioninium chloride (INN, or methylene blue, proposed trade name Rember) is an investigational drug being developed by the University of Aberdeen and TauRx Therapeutics that has been shown in early clinical trials to be an inhibitor of Tau protein aggregation.


ViroMed now has five main products in its pipeline targeting cardiovascular disease, cancer, and immune-related disorder, with clinical trials in the US, Korea, and China.

see also


In 2010, PTC Therapeutics released preliminary results of its phase 2b clinical trial for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, with participants not showing a significant improvement in the six minute walk distance after the 48 weeks of the trial.

Batten disease

In June 1987, a Phase I clinical trial was launched at Weill Medical College of Cornell University to study a gene therapy method for treatment of the signs and symptoms of late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL).


In a Phase I clinical trial conducted in 2009–2010, John A. Boockvar's team at Weill Cornell Medical College administered bevacizumab intra-arterially directly into the brain tumors of fourteen patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.

Gregg Henriques

He also worked two years as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where his primary role was director of a randomized controlled clinical trial exploring the effectiveness of psychotherapy for recent suicide attempters.

ImClone Systems

Ultimately a new clinical trial and FDA filing prepared by Imclone's partner Merck KGaA ("German Merck," not to be confused with the US company of similar name) resulted in an FDA approval of Erbitux in 2004 for use in colon cancer.

Jonathan L. Halperin

Current federal appointments include the U.S Food and Drug Administration’s Cardiovascular and Renal Advisory Committee, and the Data Safety Monitoring Board for the Clinical Trial of Aspirin and Simvastatin in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension for the National Institutes of Health.


In 1975 Czech physicians described the result of a clinical trial in joint pain in The Lancet.


Run-in period, a period during a clinical trial where the subject receives no treatment.


In 1926, E. Frank, working in Oskar Minkowski's clinic in Wroclaw performed a clinical trial on one of these agents.

Transthyretin-related hereditary amyloidosis

In late 2011, the European Medicines Agency approved the transthyretin kinetic stabilizer Tafamidis or Vyndaqel discovered by Jeffery W. Kelly and developed by FoldRx pharmaceuticals (acquired by Pfizer in 2010) for the treatment of FAP based on clinical trial data.