
unusual facts about Clinton Administration

Blue-ribbon panel

Recent examples of high-level so-called blue-ribbon panels in the United States would be the Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy Assassination, the 9/11 Commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the Iraq Study Group assessing the Iraq War and the Clinton Administration's White House Task Force on National Health Care Reform.

Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11

Breakdown (ISBN 0-452-28427-9) is a 2003 book by Bill Gertz arguing that U.S. intelligence services "lost sight of their purpose and function" due to Clinton administration policies that were more concerned with political correctness than with national defense.

Bruce Kupper

Bruce served Senator William Cohen, then U.S. Senator from Maine and later United States Secretary of Defense in the Clinton administration, as central district staff member and office manager from 1973 to 1975.

CIA activities in Peru

Subsequently, however, CIA told the Clinton Administration that the surplus rifles did not go to Peru, but to guerillas in Colombia.

Coit D. Blacker

Coit Dennis Blacker served as Special Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council under National Security Advisor Anthony Lake during the Clinton administration.

Cyberspace Electronic Security Act

The Cyberspace Electronic Security Act of 1999 (CESA) is a bill proposed by the Clinton administration during the 106th United States Congress that enables the government to harvest keys used in encryption.

Gloria Duffy

She served as deputy assistant secretary of defense, under Defense Secretaries Les Aspin and William Perry, in the Clinton Administration, and was responsible for negotiating the dismantlement and destruction of weapons of mass destruction in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Harmonious Socialist Society

Nye, as a past Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Clinton Administration, stresses on the combination of soft power and hard power, which he calls smart power.

Kyrsten Sinema

On August 28, 2012, Sinema won the Democratic primary with 42% of the vote, defeating former Arizona Democratic Party chairman Andrei Cherny, a former speechwriter in the Clinton administration, and state Senator David Schapira.

Madam Secretary

It covers both her life and the eight years she spent in the Clinton administration, first as United States Ambassador to the United Nations and then as head of the State Department.

Mary C. Morgan

At the time of her appointment to the San Francisco County Superior Court, Morgan's partner was Roberta Achtenberg, who served as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton Administration.

Michael Huerta

From 1993 to 1998 he held senior positions at the United States Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C., serving under Secretaries Federico Peña and Rodney E. Slater during the Clinton Administration.

Michèle Flournoy

According to The New York Observer, in an article published 14 August 2007 ("Hot Policy Wonks for the Democrats"), Flournoy was then a 46-year-old former Department of Defense official in the Clinton administration.

Mona Sutphen

She has served as a United States Foreign Service officer (1991–2000), serving in the Clinton Administration on the staff of the National Security Council (1998–2000).

Nuclear program of Saudi Arabia

Furthermore, senior Clinton administration officials who were responsible for Mideast affairs at the time Khilewi sought asylum, including Robert Pelletreau of the State Department and Bruce Riedel of the National Security Council, said they found nothing in Khilewi's debriefings to back up the Media reports about a Saudi nuclear program.

Operation Orient Express

Operation Orient Express was, according to National Security Adviser Richard Clarke's book Against All Enemies, the unofficial title given to a successful pact in 1996 from within the Clinton administration to oust Boutros Boutros-Ghali from his position as United Nations Secretary-General.

Rod J. Rosenstein

During the Clinton Administration, Mr. Rosenstein served as Counsel to Deputy Attorney General Philip B. Heymann (1993–1994) and Special Assistant to Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris (1994–1995).

The Clarion Project

The Third Jihad: Radical Islam’s Vision for America is a 72 minute documentary released in May 2009 and produced by NBC News journalist and Clinton administration advisor Erik Werth.

Third Way

The Third Way style of governing was firmly adopted and partly redefined during the administration of President Bill Clinton.

Togo D. West, Jr.

West returned to private practice in 1981 with the firm of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler and later worked as senior vice president for government relations of the Northrop Corporation until he became a member of the Clinton administration.

see also

Bob Hattoy

According to James Carville, investigators for federal special prosecutor Kenneth Starr repeatedly questioned Hattoy in April 1997 if he had helped place gays and lesbians in prominent positions in the Clinton administration.

C. J. Cregg

The character is loosely based on Dee Dee Myers, a show consultant and former press secretary to the Clinton administration.

Charles J. O'Mara

O'Mara also served as acting Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services during the first six months of the Clinton administration.

Command Consulting Group

D. Brian Peterman- Atlantic Area U.S. Coast Guard Commander, Commander of U.S. Coast Guard District Seven, Principle Federal Official (PFO) for Hurricane Ophelia, Director in the Defense Policy and Arms Control staff on the White House National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, Special Assistant to the President for Border and Transportation Security at the Homeland Security Council under George W. Bush

Daniel Schnur

Schnur is a graduate of the American University in Washington, D.C. He is married to Cecile Ablack, a communications and public affairs consultant, who was an Associate Dean at Yale University and Director of International Communications and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce during the first Clinton Administration.

David Garst

In the 1990s, under the Clinton administration, Garst lead the agricultural portion of a development project in the Staritsky district of Moscow.

Ellen McCulloch-Lovell

Under the Clinton administration, she worked as executive director of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, deputy chief of staff to the First Lady, and deputy assistant to the President and advisor to the First Lady on the Millennium Project.

Fetal tissue implant

Federal funding for embryonic tissue research was restricted in the United States under Presidents Reagan and Bush before being lifted under the Clinton administration.

Helene White

All of the Republicans on the committee, except Orrin Hatch, the chairman of the committee during the Clinton administration, voted against her purportedly on the grounds that she had not provided the committee with copies of her unpublished judicial opinions that were later reversed by the Michigan Supreme Court.

Human rights in Indonesia

In the United States, the US Senate had since early 2001 been rejecting repeated efforts by the Bush administration to have US funding of the Indonesian military resumed, a ban which had been reluctantly imposed by the Clinton administration after TNI officers were filmed coordinating the Dili Scorched Earth campaign.

M. R. C. Greenwood

She was best known as the Associate Director for Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, during the Clinton Administration.

Mary Frances Berry

In 1999, Berry persuaded the Clinton administration to appoint her editor at Alfred A. Knopf, Victoria Wilson, to the commission.

Moises Vela

He is the first Hispanic to serve in two senior executive roles in the White House, first during the Clinton Administration as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Advisor on Latino Affairs in the Office of Vice President Al Gore, and later during the Obama Administration as Director of Administration for Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States.

Nicholas Garaufis

Prior to his appointment to the Clinton Administration in June, 1995, Judge Garaufis served for nine years as counsel to Queens Borough President Claire Shulman in New York City.

Richard Ragan

Ragan is married to Marcela Sandoval, also a former Clinton Administration official, and Le Cordon Bleu trained chef, who has worked at Kinked's in Washington DC and The Courtyard Restaurant in Beijing China, among other places.

Simon Malley

Simon and Barbara Malley's son, Robert Malley, was a national security advisor in the Clinton administration and foreign policy advisor in the Barack Obama presidential campaign.

Steve Stockman

In 1995, Stockman wrote an article for Guns & Ammo claiming that the Waco siege had been orchestrated by the Clinton administration in order "to prove the need for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons.'" He wrote further that "had Bill Clinton really been unhappy with what Attorney General Janet Reno ordered, he would not only have fired her, he would have had Reno indicted for premeditated murder."

United States Senate election in North Carolina, 2004

Both attacks had basis in reality: Burr's campaign raised funds from numerous political action committees and at least 72 of the 100 largest Fortune 500 companies, while Bowles departed from the Clinton administration in the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Will Tiao

Tiao worked as a Presidential Management Fellow under the Clinton administration and went on to become an international economist under the George W. Bush administration.