In September 2007, Ralph Tegtmeier and Ed Purkiss coined the term "mosaic cloaking" whereby dynamic pages are constructed as tiles of content and only portions of the pages, javascript and CSS are changed, simultaneously decreasing the contrast between the cloaked page and the "friendly" page while increasing the capability for targeted delivery of content to various spiders and human visitors.
Cloaking is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique in which the content presented to the search engine spider is different from that presented to the user's browser.
Inspired in part by the 1958 film Run Silent, Run Deep, Star Trek screenwriter Paul Schneider imagined cloaking as a space-travel analog of a submarine submerging, and employed it in the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror".
On the Umbrella Security Service team there is: Vector (Andrew Kishino), the team's recon expert and is equipped with a cloaking ability; Beltway (Ramon Fernandez), who is proficient in the use of explosives; Bertha (Lydia Look), the medic; Spectre (David Cooley), the marksman; Four Eyes (Gwendoline Yeo), the scientist, with the ability to program the bio-organic weapons (BOWs); and Lupo (Nika Futterman), who is the team leader.