
unusual facts about Coadjutor


Albert Joscelyne

He was Bishop Coadjutor of Jamaica (1905–1913), and then served as a priest in the Diocese of Salisbury, becoming Prebendary of Yatesbury and Archdeacon of Sherborne (1919–1941).

Andrew Choi Chang-mu

On February 9, 1999, he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Gwangju and succeeded Archbishop Victorinus Youn Kong-hi upon the latter's retirement on November 11, 2000.

Bonaventure Giffard

Henry Howard, brother to the Duke of Norfolk, was accordingly created bishop of Utica, in partibus, and nominated to the coadjutorship, cum jure successionis, on 2 October 1720, but he died before the end of the year, and in March 1720–1 the propaganda appointed Benjamin Petre coadjutor in his stead.


During the construction of his first monastery at Wearmouth, Biscop appointed Abbot Eosterwini (anglicized as "Easterwine") as his primary Abbot and Coadjutor.

Charles Berington

After travelling for two years with young Mr. Giffard of Chillington, on his return, Berington was appointed coadjutor to Bishop Thomas Talbot, Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District, becoming at the same time Titular Bishop of Hiero-Caesarea.

Dominic Laurence Graessel

On December 8, 1793, Pope Pius VI confirmed Graessel coadjutor bishop and titular bishop of 'Samosata,' not knowing Graessel had died.

Frederic Madden

In 1850 the magnificent edition, in parallel columns, of what are known as the "Wycliffite" versions of the Bible, from the original manuscripts, upon which he and his coadjutor, Forshall, had been engaged for twenty years, was published by the University of Oxford.

Herman Koeckemann

On August 21, 1881, Father Koeckemann was ordained at Saint Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, California, as a bishop of the titular see of Olba at the age of 53, with a papal mandate to serve as coadjutor Vicar Apostolic with right of succession.

Johannes Zwijsen

On 17 April 1842, he was consecrated Titular bishop of Gerra and Coadjutor of the Apostolic vicar of s-Hertogenbosch, at Church of Saint Denis in Tilburg, by baron Cornelius Ludovicus van Wijkerslooth, ordaining bishop for the Netherlands.

John Hornyold

In 1766, as his health was failing, he obtained the Thomas Talbot as his coadjutor, and consecrated him in 1767 (not in 1776 as has been erroneously asserted, in consequence of a misprint in Milner's "Memoir").

Joseph-Marie-Pélagie Havard

He had expected to be succeeded as Vicar Apostolic by Pierre Dumoulin-Borie, M.E.P., who was appointed as his coadjutor in 1836.

Laurence York

York was appointed coadjutor to Matthew Pritchard, Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District on 13 May 1741, and consecrated the Titular Bishop of Nebbi (Bishop of Nisibis in Mesopotamia) on 10 August 1741.

Louis-Mathias, Count de Barral

He was born at Grenoble and was educated for the priesthood at the seminary of St. Sulpice, in Paris, and after ordination was made secretary, then coadjutor, and in 1790, successor, to his uncle, the Bishop of Troyes.

Movement of Priests for the Third World

The same year, the Movement issued a declaration supporting Socialist revolutionary movements, which led to the Catholic hierarchy, through Juan Carlos Aramburu, coadjutor Archbishop of Buenos Aires, to proscribe priests from making political or social declarations.

Munderic of Arisitum

Saint Munderic of Arisitum was a Coadjutor at the Diocese of Langres between 539 and 572 and later a Bishop of Arisitum circa 600.

Murray Chatlain

Pope Benedict XVI appointed Chatlain as coadjutor bishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith in June 2007.

Napoléon-Joseph Perché

In 1879 the Holy See appointed Bishop Francis Xavier Leray of Natchitoches as Coadjutor Archbishop and Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese, giving him full control over it.

Nelson Fogarty

When the missionary Diocese of Damaraland was formed in 1924, he was chosen to be its first bishop, and consecrated as such in St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town on Quinquagesima Sunday, 2 March 1924 by the Archbishop of Cape Town, assisted by the Bishops of George, Bloemfontein, and St. John’s, Kaffraria, as well as the Coadjutor Bishop of Cape Town, and Bishop Gaul.

Nicholas Wiseman

George Errington, who was then Bishop of Plymouth, and his friend since boyhood, was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Westminster

Shortly after the accession of Pope Pius IX, Bishop Walsh was moved to be vicar-apostolic of the London district with Wiseman still as his coadjutor.

Norman Thomas Gilroy

In 1937 he became Coadjutor Archbishop of Sydney and Titular Archbishop of Argyranthemum.

Pierre-Marie Carré

On May 14, 2010 he was appointed coadjutor Archbishop to the Archdiocese of Montpellier by Pope Benedict XVI.

Rembert Weakland

Weakland was elected Coadjutor Archabbot of St. Vincent Archabbey on June 26, 1963, and received the Solemn Blessing of an Archabbot from Bishop William G. Connare of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on August 29, 1963.

Robert Brom

On Wednesday, January 4, 2012, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, announced that Pope Benedict XVI had appointed Auxiliary Bishop Cirilo Flores of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange as the Coadjutor Bishop to Bishop Brom in the Diocese of San Diego.

Robert Gradwell

In 1828 he was consecrated Bishop of Lydda, as coadjutor to James Bramston, the vicar Apostolic of the London district, and he came to London soon afterwards to take up his new duties.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ibagué

Rubén Isaza Restrepo † (2 Nov 1959 - 3 Jan 1964) Appointed, Coadjutor Archbishop of Bogotá

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Archbishop John Wong Soo Kau (21 Jun 2010 Appointed Coadjutor Archbishop - 1 December 2012 Appointed Archbishop)

Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento

The current Bishop of Sacramento is Jaime Soto who was named coadjutor in October 2007 and succeeded Bishop William Weigand on Sunday November 30, 2008.

Samuel B. Booth

He was rector of St. Luke's Church, Kensington, Philadelphia (1914-1918), chaplain to an American Red Cross evacuation hospital in France, and superintendent of missions, Bucks County, Pennsylvania before consecration as bishop coadjutor of Vermont on February 17, 1925.

Sulu Archipelago

In June 1578, Governor General Francisco de Sande dispatched captain Esteban Rodríguez de Figueroa and the Jesuit priest Juan del Campo and the coadjutor Gaspar Gómez to Jolo, resulting in a negotiated compromise where the Sulu sultan paid a regular tribute in pearls.

Theotonius Amal Ganguly

Five years later he was dually appointed Titular Archbishop of Drizipara and the Coadjutor Archbishop of Dhaka.


After Codde, another bishop who played an important part was Dominique-Marie Varlet, who had been appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Babylon by the Pope after having been Vicar general to the Diocese of Quebec (Canada), but who instead chose to spend his time in the Netherlands succouring the Jansenists and making appeals to Rome in order that it should reconsider its disciplinary actions against him.

see also