
3 unusual facts about Colchis


According to the account given by Servius, the goddess was of Greek origin, for Arigitia was the name given by the Marrubians to Medea, who after having left Colchis came to Italy with Jason and taught the people the above mentioned remedies.


The Roman authority Vitruvius (1st century BC) includes in his De architectura a description of a Colchian dwelling, the ancient prototype of a darbazi.

The Tales of the Argonauts

These adventurers came from all quarters of the globe and all ranks of society, and they had in common only the possession of the strength and determination necessary to reach the new Colchis.


Colchis |


Aeëtes built a new colony in Colchis, near the mouth of the large river Phasis, and called it Aea.


In Greek mythology, Bounos or Bunus, son of Hermes and Alcidamia, received the throne of Ephyra (an early name of Corinth) from Aeëtes, when the latter decided to migrate to Colchis, biding him to keep it until he or his children came back.

Georgian folk medicine

Classical Greek mythology suggests that ancient Kolkhs (Colchis people) had practiced somewhat highly developed medicine that must have impressed the Mycenaean Greek travelers at the time.

Georgian swimming

In the beginning of the 1960s, Levan Kursua (1887-1969), a resident of the seaside village of Ergeta (Anaklia) in Mingrelia (Colchis), retold a Georgian legend about Colchian (Lazica) and Iberian warriors who, as part of their training, used a style of swimming where their hands and feet were bound firmly.


The bulls appear in the second Percy Jackson & the Olympians novel The Sea of Monsters, while only one Colchis Bull appears in the film adaptation, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.


Lordkipanidze O., "Vani, An Ancient City of Colchis." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies.

West Florida Argonauts

UWF's official mascot is the Argonaut, a mythical group of Greek sailors, who accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest for the Golden Fleece.

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