According to the account given by Servius, the goddess was of Greek origin, for Arigitia was the name given by the Marrubians to Medea, who after having left Colchis came to Italy with Jason and taught the people the above mentioned remedies.
Polybius Hist. III 25, 6 in occasion of a treaty stipulated by the fetials between Rome and Carthage; Livy VIII 9, 6 in the formula of the devotio of Decius Mus; Festus s.v. spolia opima, along with Plutarch Marcellus 8, Servius ad Aeneidem VI 860 on the same topic.
Strabo and Pliny are the only surviving ancient sources who would be expected to discuss a Lycian toponym, but the placename is also attested by Isidore of Seville and Servius, the commentator on the Aeneid.
The Virgilian commentator Servius wrote that the Teuti, or Pelops, the king of the Pisaeans, arrived on the Tyrrhenian coast after the Trojan War and founded the Italian (and more famous) Pisa thirteen centuries before the start of the common era.