
3 unusual facts about Colin McDougall

Colin McDougall

The novel was praised by such writers as Saul Bellow, Vera Brittain, and Hugh MacLennan, all of whom wrote to McDougall to express their admiration for his work (these letters are also in the McDougall Papers at McGill).

Also slightly further north in Romana in December 1944 during the battle of the Naviglio Canal the company captured a self propelled gun, staff car and an intact bridge, thanks to a flanking movement he initiated when they were first faced with the gun.

It further describes three particular attacks led by him, including an action on 21 September 1944 when the company was ordered to improve the battalion's bridgehead over the river Marecchia where he frequently exposed himself to heavy enemy fire to direct Allied fire from tanks and mortars to ensure the success of his mission.

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