
unusual facts about Combined operations

Combined operations

In its basic form it involved raiding coastal regions by land forces arriving from the naval vessels.

see also

Campbell Hardy

After the War he became Chief Instructor at the School of Combined Operations at Fremington and then became Commander of 3 Commando Brigade again in Malta, Hong Kong and Malaya.

Combined Operations Headquarters

The Attack on the Iron Coast (film) depicts an account of Allied Combined Operations Headquarters commandos executing a daring raid on the German-occupied French coast during the Second World War.

Fall of Ruad

In 1299, as he prepared an offensive against Syria, Ghazan had sent embassies to Henry II of Jerusalem (now located on Cyprus) and to Pope Boniface VIII, inviting them to participate in combined operations against the Mamluks.

HMS Monck

By 1944 the establishment covered the Combined Operations Carrier Training, the naval barracks and the landing craft base at Port Glasgow, and the ICE school at Rosneath.

Jeffrey Quill

Fortunately, on 23 June 1942 – coinciding with the submission of the paper to Combined Operations – a disorientated German pilot, Oberleutnant Armin Faber, mistook the Bristol Channel for the English Channel and landed an Fw 190 A-3 at RAF Pembrey in south Wales.

Joint Forces Command, Malaysia

JFHQ which currently led by Vice Admiral Dato' Seri Panglima Ahmad Kamarulzaman as the Commander and responsible for planning and implementing all the joint and combined operations, joint exercises and Multi-National Operations, such as the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions.

Joshua Nkomo

The real target of the second attack was General Peter Walls, head of the COMOPS (Commander, Combined Operations), in charge of the Special Forces, including the SAS and the Selous Scouts.

Operation Ambassador

During the planning stage, Durnford-Slater went to London where he worked out most of the details with David Niven, who was then serving as a staff officer in the Combined Operations Headquarters.