People's Commissar of Health of Azerbaijan SSR | People's Commissar of Foreign Trade | People's Commissar of Defence | Commissar Order |
Commissar was shot in the political climate of post-Khrushchev Thaw.
In December 1918 Shlyapnikov was replaced as Commissar of Labor by Vasili Schmidt and then served as Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caspian-Caucasian Front in the Russian Civil War.
During the Kościuszko Insurrection, Feliński was Tadeusz Kościuszko’s secretary for French correspondence as well as the law and order commissar in Wołyń.
The local Commissar tore up the official documentation offering a reward for their safe return over the border and then organised for a local schoolteacher to act as translator as they were taken to Astrakhan for questioning.
Evatt took the extraordinary step of publicly assuring Parliament, just prior to the calling of the election, that he had written to Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Affairs Commissar, regarding Petrov's allegations, and that Molotov had assured him that there were no Soviet spy rings within Australia.
After the establishment of the Soviet rule in Azerbaijan, Nabibekov became a military commissar in the Sheki district.
After receiving this telegraph from Chen Yi (communist), Su Yu and political commissar Tan Zhenlin (谭震林) made one last attempt to avert the Chen’s decision by telegraphing back on the same day, claiming that the situation for the communist in Huaibei was not optimistic and both Huaiyin and Huai'an were threatened, so taking Hai’an (海安) should not be a priority, and their troops should be give up the mission and turn northward to defend Huaiyin and Huai'an.
Su Yu and his political commissar Tan Zhenlin (谭震林) were concerned about the next move their comrades would make, and from September 5 thru September 7, 1946, they had sent four telegraphs to Chen Yi (communist), strongly recommending that his communist force from Shandong should remain in Huaiyin and Shuyang (沭阳) regions so that the communists could concentrate their forces to ensure victories.
Kalniņš returned to Latvia in 1940 following the Soviet occupation, initially serving as a political officer of the "Latvian People's Army" in the run-up to the armed forces' full incorporation into the Red Army.
CMC Vice-chairman Guo Boxiong led an enquiry into the incident, which resulted in the dismissal of four senior PLAN officers, Navy Commander Shi Yunsheng, Political Commissar Yang Huaiqing, North Sea Fleet Commander Ding Yiping (丁一平), and North Sea (Bei Hai) Fleet Political Commissar Chen Xianfeng (陈先锋) on June 13, 2003.
A subsequent broadcast by the Russians on 21 July led to the British journalist Arthur Ransome sounding out the Commissar for Foreign Relations Georgy Chicherin on the subject of peace talks.
He participated in the most important international exhibitions, such as: Biennale di Venezia (four times), Quadriennale of Rome (as commissar), Stedelijik Museum of Amsterdam, Palazzo Forti of Verona, Palazzo Vecchio of Florence, Museums of Marseille, GAM, Palazzo dei Diamanti of Ferrara.
The troika Grigory Zinoviev-Lev Kamenev-Joseph Stalin wanted a symbolic direction represented by Felix Dzerzhinsky and Vyacheslav Menzhinsky and an effective direction represented by Yagoda who was neither a people's commissar nor a central committee member to ensure that the GPU remained loyal to the party.
In fact already in 1776, when it was decreed to include Fiume to Hungary through Croatia, it was the count József Majláth, acting as Hungarian royal commissar, who took over the town from baron Pasquale Ricci, the representative of the Intendancy from Trieste.
Serov became the Ukrainian Commissar of the NKVD in 1939, and from this point onwards he played a major role in many of the actions of the Soviet secret police in World War II, helping to organize the deportation of the Chechens and the peoples of the Baltic States, becoming Beria's primary lieutenant in 1941.
On 22 April 1945, Reich Defence Commissar Ludwig Ruckdeschel took city defence to the extreme in Regensburg when United States Army tanks had already reached the Danube.
Li Fuchun took part at all the Communist Party's major campaigns, including the Long March, during which he was vice-director of the General Political Department of the Red Army and political commissar.
A three person Collegium of the OGPU — consisting of GPU chairman Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, his successor Genrikh Yagoda, and future People's Commissar of Internal Affairs V. A. Balitsky — formally decided the charges against Ryutin.
: "A Moderate Socialist Office-Holder" (Thomas Leaderless); "Soviet Russia's Red Army: An Interview with Sklandsky, Assistant Commissar of War" (Michael Puntervold); "Why Political Democracy Must Go (part 2)" (John Reed); "Left Wing Notes" (unsigned); "The Pink Terror: IV. Bloody Thursday in the 8th A.D." (unsigned).
In the post-war years Podgorny regained his old office of Deputy People's Commissar for Food Industry of the Ukrainian SSR, but was later appointed in 1946 as a Permanent Representative to the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR.
Ivan Pozharsky (died 1938), Soviet military commissar, Hero of the Soviet Union
According the directive № 0444 of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Josef Stalin on November 26 1941, established the South Ural Military District in Bashkir, Headquarters of the Military District was in Chkalov, appointed Lieutenant General Vladimir Nikolaevich Kurdyumov as commander.
With time the regiment grew to become the core of the Western Rifle Division, later renamed to the Soviet 52nd Rifle Division, of which Bobiński was a commissar.
This institution elected Cijevschi as Commissar for Bessarabia, but, despite the efforts of Bessarabian lobbyists, his appointment was never sanctioned by the Russian Army Command in Mogilev.
After the February Revolution in 1917 Oskilko was appointed a Governorate Commissar of the Russian Provisional Government in Tula.
The fall of Commissar for Agriculture, Mikhail Chernov, arrested in 1938 for Bukharin conspiracy, caused a domino effect in the Commissariat for Agriculture which supervised the Exhibition.
The war commissar or Kriegskommissar was a Danish Army, Norwegian Army, Prussian Army, Swedish Army and Soviet army military official who was responsible for supplying military arms and provisions, and was in charge of the military budget and conscription.