
unusual facts about provisions


Act of Uniformity 1662

The provisions of the Act of Uniformity 1662 were modified by the Act of Uniformity Amendment Act 1872.

Act of Uniformity Amendment Act 1872

The Act of Uniformity Amendment Act 1872 (35 & 36 Vict. c. 35), sometimes called the Shortened Services Act, was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that amended some of the provisions of the English Act of Uniformity 1662.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza

He consequently governed the country under the provisions of Statutul dezvoltător al Convenţiei de la Paris ("Statute expanding the Paris Convention"), an organic law adopted on 15 July 1864.

Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei

After Grigore IV Ghica was removed from the throne, Ştirbei was a candidate for the office in the only elections carried under the Regulations provisions, but renounced his votes in favour of his brother, Gheorghe Bibescu.

Blue Hills Regional Technical School

The District School Committee was then authorized by the towns to establish and maintain educational programs at the secondary, post-secondary and adult levels in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 74 of the General Laws of Massachusetts.

Chatsworth, Ontario

Although the Hungerford's crawling water beetle was categorized as endangered on March 7, 1994, under the provisions of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, it is currently not protected in Canada.

Coimbatore International Airport

Although the status of International airport was conferred only in 2012, the airport has had provisions for, and has been receiving, international flights (primarily from Sharjah) since the 1990s.

Constitution of the Irish Free State

The Achilles' heel of the direct democracy provisions was contained in Article 50 which provided that, for eight years after the constitution came into force, the Oireachtas could amend the constitution without a referendum.

Consumer Futures

Energywatch was created in November 2000 under the provisions of the Utilities Act 2000.

Corporation Act 1661

In later times the number, even of non-Catholics, who qualified for civil and military posts in accordance with their provisions was very small, and an "Act of Indemnity" used to be passed annually, to relieve those who had not done so from the penalties incurred.

Correspondence with Enemies Act 1793

In 1798 the provisions of the Act were extended to cover the Batavian Republic (the French-occupied Netherlands) by 38 Geo.3 c. 28.

Crown Proceedings Act 1947

These provisions were repealed and replaced by the Post Office Act 1969.

Cut, Cap and Balance Act

The provisions of the bill included a cut in the total amount of federal government spending, a cap on the level of future spending as a percentage of GDP, and, on the condition that Congress pass certain changes to the U.S. Constitution, an increase in the national debt ceiling to allow the federal government to continue to service its debts.


In the preceding provisions of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and in section 18 of that Act, the word "enactment" means any legislation (including subordinate legislation) of the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland.


Buenos Aires Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas exerted a growing hegemony over the rest of the country during his 1835-1852 Government and resisted several Unitarian uprisings, but was finally defeated in 1852 by a coalition Army gathered by Entre Ríos Federalist Governor Justo José de Urquiza, who accused Rosas of not complying with Federal Pact provisions for a National Constitution.

During the 1790s and early 1800s, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison organized the Democratic-Republican Party and opposed the Federalists over issues of how broadly (or narrowly) to apply the provisions of the new Constitution.

Geneivat da'at

The concept is incorporated in three provisions of Meir Tamari's proposed "Halakhic Corporate Code of Ethics" -- insider trading (even where permitted by secular law), product information and advertising, and fraudulent financial accounting reports.

Government of New Jersey

As a colony, the first, the Concession and Agreement (1665), was written by the colony's Lords Proprietors, Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton, which offered broad provisions for religious freedom.

Hard Tack Come Again No More

"Hard Tack, Come Again No More" is an American Civil War-era parody of the song "Hard Times, Come Again No More." First called "Hard Crackers, Come Again No More!", it is a sarcastic complaint about the quality of some of the provisions provided by military contractors.


Established in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) took the lead in filing lawsuits to overturn such provisions.

John Mildenhall

A letter from Ajmer dated 20 September 1614 informs the British East India Company that an Englishman named Richard Steele arrived at Aleppo along with another Englishman Richard Newman in pursuit of one John Midnall who had tried to flee with the Company's provisions to India but was overtaken and captured at Tombaz and taken back to Isfahan.

Kevin Grumbach

Grumbach was involved in creating some of the primary care provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.

Lewis T. Babcock

Among the notable cases he has handled are:Lane v. Owens, in which he ruled that the State of Colorado could not permissibly compel recitation of the pledge of allegiance; Golan v. Gonzales, in which he held that the copyright provisions of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act did not violate the United States Constitution; and the litigation arising out of the Columbine High School massacre.

Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000

Section 14 of the act makes provision for regulations to be made applying certain provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986 to LLP's.

Maastricht Treaty

In the United Kingdom, an opt-out from the treaty's social provisions was opposed in Parliament by the opposition Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs and the treaty itself by the Maastricht Rebels within the governing Conservative Party.

Macau–United States relations

The legislature passed an anti-terrorism law in April 2002 that includes provisions that are consistent with the requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 1373.

Madhya Pradesh High Court Jabalpur

On 1 November 2000,when the state of Chhattisgarh was carved out of state of Madhya Pradesh by the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Reorganization Act,2000 and the High Court of Chhattisgarh was established for the state ,the High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur became the High Court for the successor state of Madhya Pradesh .

Manitoba general election, 1914

Although Education Minister George R. Coldwell insisted the amendments were only meant to clarify existing provisions, many voters believed the Roblin government wanted to re-introduce funding for separate Roman Catholic schools.

Mary of Bourbon

Among its provisions, the contract provided that Francis I would transfer Dunbar Castle with the gift of all of its guns, which was kept by the Duke of Albany, to James V, and if James died first Mary would have Falkland Palace for the rest of her life.

Metal Building Manufacturers Association

It has been reviewed by American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and will be published by them as an interpretation of, and an extension to, the provisions of the 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.


National Human Rights Commission of India, a statutory body established in 1993, under the provisions of The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 (TPHRA)

Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov

In 1928, under provisions of the Five Year Plan for experimental aircraft design, Polikarpov was assigned to develop the primarily wooden I-6 fighter for delivery by mid-1930.

North-West Rebellion

Angered by what seemed to be unfair treaties and the withholding of vital provisions by the Canadian government,and also by the dwindling buffalo population, their main source of food, Big Bear and his Cree decided to rebel after the successful Métis victory at Duck Lake.

Operation Sacred Trust

Funding for the Supportive Services for Veterans Families program was provided by the 111th United States Congress through implementation of the provisions of section 604 of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act of 2008, as published in the Federal Register.

Pimicikamak Cree Nation

19: "For greater certainty, provisions of the Indian Act and regulations thereunder, in respect of election of Chief and Council of the Band, shall not apply in respect of the Band." and s.

President of the Family Division

1 October 1971: Sir George Baker (President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division before the relevant provisions of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 came into force on 1 October 1971)

Prevailing wage

In the Davis–Bacon Act all federal government construction contracts, and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000, must include provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing wages and benefits paid on similar projects.

Robert Berning

Under California law at the time, there were fair trade provisions for alcoholic beverages which made it illegal to sell wines at a cheaper price than branded competitors, such as Gallo's.

S. R. Bommai

S. R. Bommai v. Union of India was a landmark judgment of the Supreme Court of India, where the Court discussed at length, the provisions of Article 356 of the Constitution of India and related issues.

Salem bin Laden

The National Transportation Safety Board did not conduct an accident investigation since the aircraft was an ultralight aircraft, which was not covered under their mandate due to exemption while operating under FAR Part 103 Provisions required by Federal law.

Samuel Nicholas

Lord Dunmore, with the British force under his command, had collected a store of arms and provisions at New Providence, in the Bahamas, and had done a great deal of injury along the Colonial coast, particularly the shore of Virginia.

Sexual assault

In 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. J.A. interpreted the provisions below to find that a person must have an active mind during the sexual activity in order to consent, and that they cannot give consent in advance.

Stephen M. Sweeney

The New Jersey State League of Municipalities has opposed the provisions on elimination of Public-access television channels and on rules requiring free Internet accessed for municipal and school facilities.

Stuart Herriot

THE Court of Directors of the East India I Company hereby give notice, that they have received a Calcutta Gazette, containing the undermentioned notice, filed in the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Prince of Wales' Island, by Insolvent applying for his discharge, under the provisions of the 11th Victoria, cap.

Trade secrets in Canada

The Civil Code of Quebec deals specifically with trade secrets in two articles (1472 and 1612); however, none of its provisions define the concept of trade secret.

Ultra trust

An Ultra Trust is a legal entity with special provisions, benefits, and limitations created and drafted by an attorney who has expertise with debtor—creditor law, income tax law, gift tax law, and estate tax law, as well as trust law.

Wildlife Game Refuges Act of 1916

The Wildlife Game Refuges Act of 1916 placed aside certain United States Federal park lands as wildlife reserves free from hunting and poaching, and placed the United States Forest Service in charge of enforcing such provisions.

William Welch II

Sterling was indicted in December 2010 under the Espionage Act of 1917 on charges he had violated national security provisions by disclosing classified information to a New York Times journalist, James Risen, specifically being information used in the book State of War.

World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations

It should be noted, however, that the impending Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (likely to be ratified in 2015) will see Canada apply all of the provisions of UNECE standards as 'allowable alternatives' to the CMVSS standards; Canada currently applies 14 of the 17 ECE main standards as allowable alternatives - the exceptions at this point relate to motorcycle controls and displays, motorcycle mirrors, and electronic stability control for passenger cars.

Wyoming Army National Guard

When Wyoming became a state in 1890, constitutional provisions allowed for the formation of units in Buffalo, Evanston, Douglas, Green River, Rock Springs, Rawlins and Sheridan.

see also