
unusual facts about Commissioners' Plan of 1811

9 de Julio Avenue

The distance between adjacent streets is roughly 110 m, greater than the distance between streets in Manhattan.

Adam Chodzko

His commissioners include The Contemporary Art Society, Frieze Art Fair and Hayward Gallery.

Admetus of Epirus

According to Plutarch, Admetus ignored everything that the Athenian and Lacedaemonian commissioners, who arrived at Epirus soon afterwards, could say; and later Admetus arranged for Themistocles to be safely sent to Pydna on his way to the Persian court.

All Saints Church, Patcham

The commissioners produced a book, The Book of All The Auncient Ancient Customs heretofore used amonge the fishermen of the Toune of Brighthelmston, whose orders were enshrined in law.

Allen Potter

He was also a member of the board of water commissioners in 1872 and an unsuccessful Liberal Republican candidate for election to the 43rd United States Congress that same year.

American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission

Stanton appointed Samuel Gridley Howe, James McKaye, and Robert Dale Owen as commissioners, all three of whom served from the creation of the committee in 1863 through to their submission of its final report in May 1864.

Atoy Co

Later that same year, Co was part of the twelve (12) initial inductees to the PBA Hall of Fame alongside fellow Crispa players Bogs Adornado and Philip Cezar, and Toyota stalwarts Jaworski, Francis Arnaiz and Fernandez together with former PBA Commissioners Leo Prieto, Emerson Coseteng and Atty. Rudy Salud as well as legendary Crispa coach and team manager, respectively, Dalupan and Danny Floro, and the late anchorman Joe Cantada.

Broadband Commission for Digital Development

In addition to its chairs and vice-chairs, the Broadband Commission has 51 Commissioners from around the world including well-known figures such as Jeff Sachs, Muhammad Yunus, Hans Vestberg, Mo Ibrahim and Martin Sorrell.

Church of Scotland Act 1824

In this section, the words "commissioners of His Majesty's" and "of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" were repealed by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1890.

Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa

Commissioners Seyyid Abdulai, Abdoulaye Bathily, Mary Chinery-Hesse, Awa Coll-Seck, Haile Debas, Richard G.A. Feachem, Eveline Herfkens, Omar Kabbaj, Milly Katana, Madeleine Mukamabano, Benjamin Nzimbi, Joy Phumaphi, Peter Piot, Paulo Teixeira, Bassary Touré, and Alan Whiteside.

David Strangeways

After the Allies' victory over Nazi Germany, Strangeways was given the role of political adviser to the Allied Commissioners for Westphalia and the Rhine.

Deeping Fen

In 1733, he surveyed the parish of Moulton, a little further downstream, to assess how drainage could be improved for the Commissioners of Sewers.

Election Commissioner of India

At Present V Sundaram Sampath is the Chief Election Commissioner and Other Two Election Commissioners are Harishankar Brahma And Syed Nasim Ahmad Zaidi.

Eliphalet Wickes Blatchford

He served for forty years as the president of the Chicago Theological Seminary, and also contributed his time and money to several mission organizations such as American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the Chicago Missionary Society.

Elizabeth Danvers

She was the mother of Sir Charles Danvers, executed in 1601 for his part in the rebellion of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and of Sir John Danvers, one of the commissioners who tried King Charles I and signed the King's death warrant.

Ely State Prison

Nevada Governor, Jim Gibbons, and other commissioners were presented with a report by Corrections Director Howard Skolnik and Ely State Prison medical director Dr. Robert Bannister refuting Noel's findings.

Equality and Human Rights Commission

The Commissioners included Morag Alexander, Kay Allen, Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, Jeannie Drake CBE, Joel Edwards, Professor Kay Hampton, Francesca Klug, Sir Bert Massie CBE, Ziauddin Sardar, Ben Summerskill and Dr Neil Wooding.

European Civil Service

A more egalitarian culture took over with Commissioners no longer having a "status equivalent to a sun God" and with this new populism, the first women were appointed to the Commission in the 1990s and the service gained its first female secretary general in 2006 (Catherine Day).

European Commission

Some EU states at that time did not even have a crime against shipping toxic waste leading to the Commissioners Franco Frattini and Stavros Dimas to put forward the idea of "ecological crimes".

Francisco Gómez-Jordana, 1st Count of Jordana

He was born in Madrid, the son of an officer who went on to become a Lieutenant General and one of the High Military Commissioners of Spain in Morocco.

Friedrich von Hermann

Warmly supporting the customs union (Zollverein), he acted in 1851 as one of its commissioners at the great industrial exhibition at London, and published an elaborate report on the woollen goods.

Gordon Wasserman, Baron Wasserman

He worked with the Police Commissioners of New York City, Philadelphia and Miami as well as the Department of Justice.

Great Snoring

The architect was William Thorold, and he based it on Sampson Kempthorne's model cruciform plan published by the Poor Law Commissioners in 1835.

Harman B. Cropsey

In 1839, he was appointed as one of the Commissioners to receive subscriptions for the capital stock of the New York and Staten Island Ferry Company, to be incorporated.

Harry Gibbs

Critics such as Evan Whitton and Richard Ackland claim that Gibbs inappropriately followed the hearsay rules, excluding a great deal of evidence despite the fact that Royal Commissioners are not bound to follow such rules.

Improvement commissioners

Boards of improvement commissioners were ad hoc boards created during the 18th and 19th centuries in the United Kingdom.

Jabez Delano Hammond

In 1825, he was appointed one of the commissioners in the settlement of the claims of New York State against the Federal Government.

James Barker Edmonds

Although he remained the board's Republican commissioner until 1885, when former Louisiana Senator Joseph Rodman West resigned from the presidency of the D.C. Board of Commissioners in 1883, President Chester A. Arthur nominated Edmonds to serve as the board's Democratic commissioner and its chair.

John Shaw-Lefevre

Lefevre Peninsula, South Australia, was named by Governor John Hindmarsh on 3 June 1837 after Shaw-Lefevre, who was one of South Australia's Colonisation Commissioners.

John Trumbull

In 1796 he was appointed by the commissioners sent by the two countries as the fifth member of a commission charged with carrying out the seventh article of the Jay Treaty, which mediated claims by American and British merchants and the opposing government stemming from actions which occurred during the war.

John William Little

He served on the Board of Water commissioners, was a director of the London and Southeastern Railway and a vice chairman of The Western Fair.

Josias Fendall

In that year, William Stone (c. 1603–1659), the third proprietary governor of Maryland, was resisting the commissioners of Parliament for the government of that province.

Kirt Bennett

At the time of his death, he was also serving as the treasurer of the Port of Greater Baton Rouge board of commissioners, under appointment from Republican Governor Bobby Jindal.

Liz Pike

The Cowlitz and Clark county commissioners had selected Pike, despite Vick being the first choice of the district's Precinct Committee Officers.

London Government Act 1899

Concern was voiced in the Commons by Thomas Lough and Richard Haldane (MP for Haddingtonshire) about the fact that the boundaries of the boroughs not listed in the Bill were to be fixed by boundary commissioners without parliamentary oversight.

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty

The Lords Commissioners were entitled collectively to be known as "The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty", and were commonly referred to collectively as "Their Lordships" or "My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty", though individual members were not entitled to these styles.

Mathern Palace

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners sold the property in 1889 to George Carwardine Francis, a local solicitor who in turn sold the largely ruined buildings, in 1894, to the architectural writer and garden designer Henry Avray Tipping.

Matt Wingard

Wingard was appointed by Washington and Clackamas county commissioners to fill a vacancy in the Oregon House following the resignation of Jerry Krummel in August 2008, and announced his plans to seek election to a full term.

Murray Saltzman

In 1983, Saltzman co-authored an op-ed column with fellow commissioners Mary Frances Berry and Blandina Ramirez in which the three accused President Ronald Reagan of treating the Commission as "lap dogs" rather than "watch dogs."

Que viva la lucha

In the process, the film also interviews other luchadores, promoters, commissioners, families, and fans who discuss the cultural significance of lucha libre as sport, ritual, and spectacle.The film includes music by Carne Cruda, Marziano, and Nortec Collective.

Robert Henry Thurston

In 1873 he was appointed a member of the United States Scientific Commission to the Vienna Exhibition ; served upon the international jury, edited the Report of the Commissioners (in which he published his own report on machinery and manufactures), in five volumes, 1875-6.

Samuel Williams

Samuel L. Williams (1933–1994), president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners

South Forty-Foot Drain

In 1762, the Witham Drainage Act was passed by Parliament, and among other things constituted the Commissioners of Sewers for the Second and Sixth District, which covered the area including Asgarby, Ewerby, Great Hale, Heckington, Holland Fen, Howell, Little Hale and South Kyme.

The Scout and Guide Association of Qatar

The Minister of Education has recruited six Commissioners to promote Guiding as an extracurricular activity in all schools.

Thomas Larkham

According to the report of the commissioners, who, under the Act for Providing Maintenance for Preaching Ministers, visited Tavistock on 18 October 1650, Larkham was elected by the inhabitants, and presented by the Earl of Bedford.

Troy weight

Charles Moore Watson (1844–1916) proposes an alternate etymology: The Assize of Weights and Measures (also known as Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris), one of the statutes of uncertain date from the reign of either Henry III or Edward I, thus before 1307, specifies "troni ponderacionem"—which the Public Record Commissioners translates as "troy weight".

United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission

The twelve commissioners are appointed to two-year terms by the majority and minority leaders of the U.S. Senate, and by the minority leader and speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

William Hitchman

In 1870, when the "Tweed Charter" reorganized the Metropolitan Fire Department, he became President of the Board of Fire Commissioners.

York County, Ontario

It was named for Benjamin Vaughan, one of the British commissioners who signed the peace treaty of 1783 with the United States.

see also