
3 unusual facts about Common Buzzard


Some species that may be observed in the countryside surrounding the village are buzzards, quail, and reed and sedge warblers.

Common Buzzard

The Victorian writer on Dartmoor, William Crossing, noted he had on occasions seen flocks of 15 or more at some places.

Der Busant

Der Busant, also known as Der Bussard (both German names for the Common Buzzard), is a Middle High German verse narrative, containing 1074 lines of rhyming couplets.

Sandwell Valley RSPB reserve

The growing bio-diversity of the slopes attracts a very large range of wildlife, and therefore a number of raptors, including buzzards.

Tawny Owl

Predators of the Tawny Owl include large birds such as Ural and Eagle Owls, Northern Goshawks, Golden Eagles, and Common Buzzards.

see also