
6 unusual facts about Companies House

Companies House

The results came from Datanomic who had screened the 6.8 million names on the register against a World-Check database of high risk individuals and businesses.

Edgar Brothers

Edgar Brothers is a British company registered at companies house as Ian Edgar (Liverpool) Limited.

Radio Hartlepool

Radio Hartlepool is the broadcast call sign of Hartlepool Community Broadcasting Limited, a not for profit organisation, social enterprise limited by guarantee and registered at Companies House No: 05316109.

Standard Industrial Classification

The SIC system is also used by agencies in other countries, e.g., by the United Kingdom's Companies House.


Tutorfair Limited was incorporated on 16 April 2012 at Companies House in the UK.

Włodzimierz Ławniczak

It was not until September 20 of that year that the court entered an appeal to KRS (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy -The Polish Companies House) Supervisory Board members, but not yet introduced to set the record of President.

Formalities in English law

The main kinds of formality that a statute can require are to put the transaction in writing, to make a deed, or to register it at a government registrar (such as HM Land Registry or Companies House).


Former GCap Chief Executive Ralph Bernard is a director of the company according to the records on the Companies House website.

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