
unusual facts about Complicity

Dead Air

Ken Nott resembles a happier version of Cameron Colley, the main character in Banks' earlier novel Complicity.

Charles d'Abancour

Abancourt and his fellow-prisoners were murdered in cold blood in massacres on 9 September 1792 at Versailles, and Fournier was unjustly charged with complicity in the crime.

Eugen Klöpfer

After a denazification trial, he was exonerated from the charge of complicity in the death of Joachim Gottschalk.

Fodé Soumah

Soumah was indicted in December 2006 for complicity, while Deputy Governor of the Bank, in the withdrawal of $22 million by Mamadou Sylla.

Foundation for New Era Philanthropy

In addition, Prudential Securities was a prominent part of the setup (and became the subject of a $90 million lawsuit accusing them of complicity).

Gilbert Bodart

On 21 August 2008, he was arrested for complicity to robbery at the Caves of Han-sur-Lesse where he had been working in public relations for a little over a month.

Giuliano Mignini

In April 2006 Mignini had Italian journalist Mario Spezi arrested for complicity in the homicides of the Monster of Florence case and interfering with an investigation.

Gleb Bokii

Despite this complicity, historian Alexander Rabinowitch indicates that Bokii was among the more moderate Bolshevik voices on the question of the use of terror in the summer of 1918, siding with Elena Stasova in opposing Grigory Zinoviev's call for a full scale Red Terror at a critical meeting held in the wake of Uritsky's killing.

Godfrid, Duke of Frisia

In 885, he was summoned to Lobith for a meeting after being accused of complicity with Hugh, Duke of Alsace, in an insurrection.

Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland

With Lord Henry Howard and Francis Throckmorton he was arrested on suspicion of complicity late in the same year, and for a second time was sent to the Tower.

Human trafficking in Madagascar

Anecdotal evidence indicates there was also official complicity in permitting organized child prostitution rings to operate, particularly in Nosy Be.

Inverailort House

The village and nearby buildings have appeared in films such as Local Hero, Breaking the Waves and Complicity.

John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton

Next year he was accused in parliament of complicity in the Army Plots, expelled from the house, and committed to the Tower of London; he was subsequently bailed by Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of Dorset and Henry Grey, 1st Earl of Stamford in the sum of £10,000, but the outbreak of hostilities prevented any further steps being taken.

Joseph Kleutgen

In 1879 some Old Catholics spread the report that Kleutgen had been condemned by the Roman Inquisition to an imprisonment of six years on account of complicity in the poisoning of a Princess von Hohenlohe; but, on 7 March, Juvenal Pelami, Notary of the Inquisition, testified that Kleutgen had never been summoned before the Inquisition upon such a charge, and consequently had not been punished by it.

Leone Ginzburg

Soon after this, he and 14 other young Turinese Jews, including Sion Segre Amar, were arrested for complicity in the so-called "Ponte Tresa Affair" (they were carrying anti-fascist literature over the border from Switzerland), but Ginzburg's sentence was light.

Mohammed Waheed Hassan

A week later, protesters led by Waheed's London-based brother, Naushad Waheed, accused Mohammed Waheed of complicity in the alleged coup.

North Kivu

However, Wibasira was suspected of complicity with the soldiers in Goma who triggered a mutiny in Bukavu in February 2004, and on 23 January 2005 he was switched with Gabriel Amisi Kumba, at the time commander of the Fifth Military Region in Kasaï-Oriental.

Orwell Award

2006: Steven H. Miles, M.D, author of Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror

Richard Talbot, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell

He was arrested for supposed complicity in the Popish Plot agitation in 1678, but was allowed to go into exile.

Shusha massacre

Historian Christopher J. Walker wrote, in regard of Sultanov's activities, "The Karabagh affair was a grave one for the British. Accusations of direct British complicity in Armenian massacre cannot really be sustained; but the killings were a result of the almost unconscious British tendency to support 'our traditional friends' – the wealthy – and to disregard the wishes of the majority".

Sid Chow Tan

When the Nigerian government, with what activists alleged to be the complicity of Shell Oil, hanged writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists in 1995, Tan and other activists organised the Ogoni Solidarity Network.

Sir James Montgomery, 1st Baronet

In 1767, he bought for £40,000 Stanhope and Stobo in Peeblesshire, part of the estates of Sir David Murray, which had been confiscated for their owner's complicity in the rebellion of 1745.

U.N. Me

Also featured is evidence of the use of UN funds and equipment to support terrorist activity through complacency or complicity, including video footage of insurgents loading assault rifles and RPGs into a UN vehicle to make an escape.

Urbain Gohier

He wrote articles for the pro-fascist parfumier François Coty in the anti-Semitic newspaper The Pillory, wherein he denounced the "Jewish complicity" of Le Figaro and "Judeo-Bolshevik" conspiracies.

Wedge issue

Some who would typically vote Labor voted instead for the Greens and the Democrats in protest against what they saw as the ALP's complicity.

see also