
10 unusual facts about North Kivu


Bunagana, DRC, a town in North Kivu Province, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, at the border with Uganda

North Kivu

However, Wibasira was suspected of complicity with the soldiers in Goma who triggered a mutiny in Bukavu in February 2004, and on 23 January 2005 he was switched with Gabriel Amisi Kumba, at the time commander of the Fifth Military Region in Kasaï-Oriental.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1489

There was concern over hostilities in the east of the country, particularly in North Kivu province.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1493

There was concern at the continuing illegal exploitation of the natural resources of the country and at the conflicts in Ituri, North and South Kivu.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1501

The Security Council remained concerned about hostilities in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, including North and South Kivu and Ituri Province.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1533

In the preamble of the resolution, the Council expressed concern at the presence of armed groups and militia in North and South Kivu and Ituri in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1555

It expressed concern at tensions and hostilities in the east of the country, particularly conflicts in Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1565

Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council extended MONUC's mandate and authorised an increase of 5,900 personnel, with deployments in North and South Kivu.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1592

The transitional government was called upon to protect civilians and humanitarian personnel by extending its authority throughout the country, particularly in North and South Kivu and Ituri Province.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1596

In the preamble of the resolution, the Security Council expressed concern at the presence of armed groups and militia in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, particularly in North and South Kivu and Ituri Province, while at the same time welcoming that some of the groups had began submitting an inventory of weapons and materiel in their possession.

Hatt's thicket rat

Hatt's Thicket Rat (Thamnomys major), is a species of thicket rat indigenous to the northern slopes of Mount Karisimbi, an inactive volcano in North Kivu (Nord-Kivu) province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Rally for Congolese Democracy

Sporadic fighting reported between Mai Mai elements led by commander Christophe of the 8th Military Region's 4th Brigade and ex-Armee Nationale Congolaise (former armed wing of the RCD-G) soldiers from the 8th Military Region's 11th Brigade headed by Colonel Bonne-Annee in the North Kivu localities of Bwerema, Bishange, and Bitonga (Masisi territory) beginning the week of October 24th and continuing periodically until November 5th.

Rally for Congolese Democracy–Goma

In January 2006 his forces attacked and occupied several towns in Rutshuru Territory in North Kivu province including Tongo, Bunagana and Rutshuru.