Notable artists in this vein include James Faure Walker, Manfred Mohr, Ronald Davis, Joseph Nechvatal, Matthias Groebel, George Grie, Olga Kisseleva, John Lansdown, Perry Welman, and Jean-Pierre Hébert.
Museum of Modern Art | Art Deco | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Art Institute of Chicago | San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | National Gallery of Art | Honolulu Museum of Art | Apple Computer | Computer Science | Whitney Museum of American Art | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | computer | computer science | Art Nouveau | Royal College of Art | 3D computer graphics | Walker Art Center | personal computer | art | Glasgow School of Art | Museum of Contemporary Art | Mainframe computer | Philadelphia Museum of Art | Computer network | Smithsonian American Art Museum | Computer-generated imagery | Art Students League of New York | Denver Art Museum | Computer programming | Cleveland Museum of Art |
Computer Space forum is one of the oldest computer art festivals, organized by the Student Computer Art Society (SCAS) in Sofia every year during the last 18 years.
It was one of the first low-cost color printers available to consumers and became a popular printer for printing computer art drawn with software packages such as KoalaPad, Deluxe Paint, Doodle! and NEOchrome but was criticized for its slowness and high cost of operation, as the wax-coated ribbon only lasted for one pass, unlike an ink ribbon.
In 1965 Noll along with two other pioneers within the field of early computer art, Frieder Nake and Georg Nees in Germany, were the first to exhibit publicly their computer art.