She played Alicia Bonner in the 1920 Avery Hopwood hit comedy Ladies' Night that had a run of 360 performances at the Eltinge Theatre on 42nd Street and Louise Endicott in the successful 1924 William LeBaron and Con Conrad musical comedy Moonlight over its 174 run at Longacre Theatre.
Over the next several years, he would also be responsible for such standards as "Ma, He’s Making Eyes at Me", "You’ve Got to See Your Mama Every Night", "Memory Lane", "Lonesome and Sorry", "Palesteena" and "Come on Spark Plug".
Dell and Columbo had met at her Ziegfeld audition; Columbo's manager, Con Conrad, was determined to end their relationship and did so with a series of "publicity only" romances between Columbo and other, more famous actresses.
Joseph Conrad | Tony Conrad | San Diego Comic-Con International | Conrad Veidt | Conrad Black | Gen Con | Robert Conrad | Conrad II | Pete Conrad | Kent Conrad | Conrad | William Conrad | Conrad Weiser | Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor | Conrad Aiken | Jess Conrad | DEF CON | Conrad Smith | Marcallo con Casone | Dragon Con | Conrad Martens | Conrad III of Germany | Conrad I, Duke of Zähringen | Conrad Herwig | Conrad Ferdinand Meyer | Oni-Con | Conrad Poppenhusen | Conrad of Gelnhausen | Conrad Hilton | Conrad Gessner |
# "Rhapsody for Bix: Davenport Blues/Royal Garden Blues/Singing the Blues/In a Mist/Rhapsody for Bix Theme/At the Jazz Band Ball/Jazz-Me Blues" (Bix Beiderbecke/Clarence Williams, Spencer Williams/Sam M. Lewis, Joe Young, Con Conrad, J. Russel Robinson/Beiderbecke/Schifrin/Beiderbecke/Tom Delaney) - 23:47