
unusual facts about Constantine, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg

All His Engines

They unwittingly step into a war between gods, most notably Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec deity of death, who resents Constantine's intrusion into his business.

Amalric, Prince of Tyre

Guy of Lusignan (d. April 17, 1344, Armenia), King of Armenia as Constantine II


Ausbach is a village and a municipal district of Hohenroda in Hersfeld-Rotenburg district in eastern Hesse, Germany.

Battle of Makryplagi

Constantine enjoyed initial success, capturing much of Laconia and advancing north, aiming to take the Achaean capital, Andravida.

Bundesstraße 440

It begins at the B 215, runs through the so-called Mill Quarter (Mühlenviertel) of Rotenburg an der Wümme, passes nearby Bothel and after about 20 km passes through the town centre of Visselhövede to the southeast.

Business routes of U.S. Route 131

Business US Highway 131 (BUS US 131) is a business route running through downtown Constantine.

Collatio lustralis

It was instituted by Constantine, although there are some indications that such a tax existed during the reign of Caligula (see Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars).

Constantine Andreou

In 1999, the library of the town La Ville-du-Bois, where Andreou resided while in France, was named in honor of Constantine Andreou.

Constantine I of Greece

After Constantine impudently cabled: "The army will not march on Thessaloniki. My duty calls me towards Monastir, unless you forbid me", Venizelos was forced to pulled rank.

Constantine II of Cagliari

Constantine patronised the monasteries founded by monks from Saint-Victor in Marseille, who dominated religious life in Cagliari at the turn of the twelfth century.

Constantine Jessop

He was survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and his son, Constantine, who became rector of Brington, Northamptonshire and a prebendary of Durham Cathedral.

Constantine Kalamanos

Shortly afterwards, Constantine and Prince Bohemond III lead their troops together against Nur ad-Din Zangi's armies that had laid siege to Krak des Chevaliers, a fortress in the County of Tripoli.

Constantine Kastrioti

Along with Constantine's cavalry, Francesco del Balzo, the Duke of Andria who had remained loyal to Ferdinand, managed to defeat Ercole d'Este, one of the pro-Angevin nobles in Gargano.

Constantine ruble

The Constantine ruble is a rare silver coin of the Russian Empire bearing the profile of Constantine, the brother of emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I.

Constantine Township, Michigan

Constantine Township was named for the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.

Constantius II

In From Constantine to Julian: Pagan and Byzantine Views, A Source History, edited by S.N.C. Lieu and Dominic Montserrat, 164–205.

Constantius III

Constantine was forced to surrender to Constantius when his troops on the Rhine left him for another usurper, Jovinus.


Soon afterwards, Constantine had his own wife, Fausta, killed; she was suffocated in an over-heated bath.

Fifty Bibles of Constantine

Kurt Aland, Bruce M. Metzger, Bart D. Ehrman doubt that Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were copied by Eusebius on the Constantine order.


Glaam is a village and a municipal district of Hohenroda in Hersfeld-Rotenburg district in eastern Hesse, Germany.

Hellblazer: Pandemonium

Constantine explains to Assera that Kutha is actually a city whose people worshiped a god named Nergal.


In 1627 Ernest (1623–1693), a younger son of Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), received Rheinfels and lower Katzenelnbogen as his inheritance, and some years later, on the deaths of two of his brothers, Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse-Eschwege (1617–1655) and Herman IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg (1607–1658), he added Eschwege, Rotenburg, Wanfried and other districts to his possessions.

High Cross, Cornwall

High Cross, Constantine is a hamlet in the Civil Parish of Constantine, Kerrier.

John Hindmarsh

She was the mother of Maria, who married Sir Constantine Phipps, father of ambassador Sir Eric Phipps.

John S. Barry

In 1834, Barry moved to Constantine, Michigan and opened a general store in that village's first frame-built building.

Kevin Brodbin

His credits include writing the screenplay and story for Constantine along with Frank Cappello and for Mindhunters.

Konstantin of Murom

Constantine of Murom (Russian: Святой Блаженный Князь Константин) (? - 1129) was a direct descendant of Vladimir I of Kiev and the son of Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov.

Konstantin Romanov

Prince Constantine Constantinovich of Russia (1891–1918), son of the above Grand Duke Constantine Constantinovich


Other known Bishops of Lampsacus were Daniel, who assisted at the Council of Chalcedon (451); Harmonius (458); Constantine (680), who attended the Third Council of Constantinople; John (787), at Nicaea; St. Euschemon, a correspondent of St. Theodore the Studite, and a confessor of the Faith for the veneration of images, under Theophilus.

Landgraviate of Hesse-Rotenburg

In 1627, Ernest (1623–1693), a younger son of Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, received Rheinfels and lower Katzenelnbogen as his inheritance, and some years later, on the deaths of two of his brothers, Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse-Eschwege (1617–1655) and Herman IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg (1607–1658), he added Eschwege, Rotenburg, Wanfried and other districts to his possessions.

Nebel, Germany

The sailor Hark Olufs, a native of Süddorf, became famous in the 18th century while serving the Bey of Constantine, Algeria.

Panegyrici Latini

The speech is peculiar because none of the honoured emperors was present at its delivery, and because it celebrates Constantine's victory over Maxentius (at the Battle of Milvian Bridge) in 312, avoiding almost any reference to contemporaneous events.

Princess Irene

Princess Irene, Duchess of Aosta (1904 – 1974), daughter of Constantine I of Greece and his wife, the former Princess Sophie of Prussia

Quirinal Hill

In front lies the sloping Piazza del Quirinale where the pair of gigantic Roman marble "Horse Tamers" representing Castor and Pollux, found in the Baths of Constantine, were re-erected in 1588.

Rock art of Figuig

Comparable rock engravings have been described more to the east in the surroundings of Djelfa and in Constantine, Algeria.

Rotenburg an der Wümme

Rotenburg an der Wümme (until May 1969: Rotenburg in Hannover) is a town in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria

Constantine and Helena, the Euxinograd royal summer palace, park and winery, and the Sofia University Botanical Garden, also known as Ecopark Varna.


Schwarzenhasel is a village approximately 3 km northeast of Rotenburg an der Fulda in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district of northeastern Hesse, Germany.

SMS Wacht

Wilhelm II also stopped in Greece, where he attended the wedding of his sister Sophie to the Greek crown prince Constantine.

The Crying Light

A music video for the single "Epilepsy Is Dancing" was produced by The Wachowskis and featured Johanna Constantine, SF choreographer Sean Dorsey and the design of painters Tino Rodríguez and Virgo Paraiso.

The History of Constantine

Having called upon the Christian God at Milvian Bridge, Constantine legitimized the Christian religion, offering it new status and protection.


In September, 795, Theodote and Constantine were married at the palace named after St. Mamas.


It was during this regency that Leo the Mathematician, Photios who taught Greek Philosophy, and later Constantine-Cyril, taught at the university.

Ugo da Parlascio Ebriaco

Around 1128, Gonario II, Constantine's son, the child ruler of Logudoro, was brought to Porto Torres by his regent, Ittocorre Gambella, after an attempt to harm the child had been made by the Athen family.

West Indian cricket team in England in 1933

Constantine's Lancashire League employer Nelson refused to release him for the match, but Francis, contracted to Radcliffe in the Bolton League, played.


WGNC, licensed to Constantine, Michigan and broadcasting with 15,000 watts of power, offers a format of "family-friendly" country music.

William, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg

He also held the dominions of Falkenberg, Cornberg and Langenschwalbach and he received a share of the Hessian toll on the Rhine and custom duties on wine, agriculture and wool and the toll at Boppard.

see also