Started in 1931 by Sir Alister Hardy, the CPR has provided marine scientists with their only measure of plankton communities on a pan-oceanic scale.
Recorder (musical instrument) | Recorder | recorder | Digital video recorder | Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator | Videocassette recorder | Recorder (judge) | continuous wave | Continuous positive airway pressure | continuous function | Continuous Call Team | CampbellāStokes recorder | video tape recorder | HP Continuous memory | flight data recorder | Flanders Recorder Quartet | digital video recorder | Continuous-wave radar | Continuous wave | Continuous function | Site Recorder | recorder (musical instrument) | Recorder (legal office) | Recorder (law) | recorder (judge) | List of cities by time of continuous habitation | Flight recorder | DVD recorder | Continuous tone | Continuous spontaneous ventilation |