
unusual facts about Coordination

Communities of innovation

Coordination of the work (including feedback) is possible even when people are working from different locations.

2002 Winter Olympic bid scandal

Swiss IOC member Marc Hodler, head of the coordination committee overseeing the organization of the 2002 games, accused that a group of members of the IOC had taken bribes since the 1990 bidding process for the 1996 Olympic games.

2011 Sindh floods

The Met Office had informed all district coordination officers, Provincial Disaster Management Authority, chief secretaries and chief ministers about the heavy monsoon rain-spell two days earlier to take precautionary measures.

7th Special Operations Squadron

Through aggressive Office of Defense coordination at the US Embassy in Raba, the cooperation of Royal Moroccan Air Force officials at the Air Staff and Kenitra Air Base, and the persistence of 7th SOS planners, we were once again flying Combat Talons through the Atlas mountains.

Business reporting

Often implementation involves extract, transform, and load (ETL) procedures in coordination with a data warehouse and then using one or more reporting tools.

C. R. Narayan Rao

In one of his first editorials, he pleaded for the coordination of scientific activities in India, a plea that helped create the Indian Academy of Sciences.

Cal Kern

In 2007, Kern, in coordination with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, founded the Niagara Power, a collegiate summer baseball team in the New York Collegiate Baseball League.

CALFED Bay-Delta Program

The coordination program was created in 1994 by Governor Pete Wilson and federal Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt following a decade of chaotic disputes between the state of California, the federal government, environmental groups, agricultural interests, and municipal water services.

Chinese exclusion policy of NASA

In April 2011, the 112th United States Congress banned NASA from engaging in bilateral agreements and coordination with China.

CIA transnational activities in counterproliferation

:*The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA) of 2004 provided for the establishment of the NCPC to enhance coordination, planning and information sharing amongst the IC on proliferation issues.


The site was capable of utilizing 500 kW transmitters, but the end of the Cold War and improved shortwave frequency coordination made upgrading to 500 kW unnecessary.

Cluster chemistry

The suffix “oid” designate that such clusters possess at a molecular scale, atom arrangements that appear in bulk intermetallic compounds with high coordination numbers of the atoms such as for example in Laves phase and Hume-Rothery phases.

Coos Bay Wagon Road Lands

In 2011, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar endorsed a demonstration timber sale pilot project on federal forest lands along Coos Bay Wagon Road in coordination with two professors.

Copper proteins

They exhibit an axial EPR spectrum with copper hyperfine splitting in the parallel region similar to that observed in regular copper coordination compounds.


Young activist Ghiath Matar (1985-2011) was one of the activists in Darayya Coordination, who was detained and afterwards tortured to death by the security forces.

Decadal Planning Team

DPT was quietly chartered in spring, 1999, by then-NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin, in coordination with the White House Office of Management and Budget, and led jointly by the NASA Headquarters Offices of Human Spaceflight and Space Science.


Ataxia, reduced control of muscles, resulting in loss of coordination, balance etc.


Some of FERN's most outstanding coordination and facilitation work is the organisation of NGO meetings on various issues, such as the annual Forest Movement Europe meeting.

Forces nouvelles

Coordination of New Forces or Coordination des forces nouvelles (CFN): A political party in Togo.

Franco Gabrielli

He subsequently worked for Digos (the Italian anti-terrorist department) in Florence, and later moved to the Servizio centrale di protezione, an interforce directorate for police coordination on the national territory.

Fritz-Dietlof von der Schulenburg

His new jobs at this time were mainly to establish Gleichschaltung (the Nazi policy of forced "coordination" of societal groups) among officials in the realm of his influence, and also to delegate jobs to NSDAP members.

Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil

She took courses at the Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique in Paris and studied Iannis Xenakis's music in Aix-en-Provence.


Orthostatic hypotension, a sudden drop in blood pressure and coordination when a person stands up too quickly

Helena Dyrssen

When the Reinfeldt Cabinet assumed office on 6 October 2006, she became state secretary in the Prime Minister's Office with responsibility for coordination of the Liberal People's Party.

History of Lesotho

A military government chaired by Justin Lekhanya ruled Lesotho in coordination with King Moshoeshoe II and a civilian cabinet appointed by the King.

James C. Bennett

-- USSTRATCOM is charged with military space operations and space coordination while USNORTHCOM handles aerospace warning and aerospace control via NORAD) --> manifestations.

Markus Neteler

In September 2006, he was honored with the Sol Katz award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS) for his commitment to the GRASS project coordination.

Matsuyama Declaration

Coordination Council of Matsuyama Declaration (Head of the secretariat is Gania Nishimura) was held in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, on July 18, 1999 and the draft of the Declaration was created.

Michael Turvey

His research spans a number of areas including: dynamic touch and haptics, interlimb coordination, visual perception and optic flow, postural stability, visual word recognition and speech perception.

Miles B. Wachendorf

Wachendorf's shore assignments included deputy assistant for Chief of Naval Operation/Vice Chief of Naval Operations decision coordination, branch head for anti-submarine warfare, chief of the Joint Staff's nuclear/counter-proliferation division.

Motor cortex

The clearest example of the coordination of muscles into complex movement in the motor cortex comes from the work of Graziano and colleagues on the monkey brain.

Niels Christian Ditleff

He also played an instrumental role in evacuating foreign diplomats from Warsaw during the German invasion and to rescue Jews in coordination with Nansenhjelpen.

No. 242 Group RAF

At Casablanca, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder persuaded American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and their staffs to establish an air force command structure based on the previously successful coordination of No. 205 (Heavy Bomber) Group, No. 201 (Naval Co-operation) Group, and AHQ Western Desert during the North African Campaign of 1942, primarily in Egypt and Libya.

Operation Bigamy

The plan was to destroy the harbour and storage facilities at Benghazi and raid the airfield at Benina in Libya in coordination with the RAF.


Orthoptics, the diagnosis and treatment of defective eye movement and coordination


Ataxia (lack of coordination), paralysis of extremities, peripheral neuritis (nerve damage)

Perrin Kaplan

Before leaving Nintendo, Perrin Kaplan oversaw public relations, government affairs, investor relations and internal communications for the Western Hemisphere and played a key role in global coordination inside the Nintendo corporation.

Radio resource management

Such standards exploit Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) and can thus be highly efficient in terms of spectrum, but required close coordination between cells to avoid excessive inter-cell interference.

Richard Timberlake

Timberlake's research on the development of private moneys occurred at the time of Friedrich Hayek's idea of The Denationalization of Money, extending and expanding upon it in coordination with the free banking movement.

Robert W. Clower

"The Coordination of Economic Activities: A Keynesian Perspective," with Axel Leijonhufvud, 1975, American Economic Review.

Spycraft: The Great Game

Although the game was not approved by either organization, it tends to favour realism due to its coordination with former CIA director William Colby and former KGB Major-General Oleg Kalugin.

Takenaka Shigekata

He initially had tactical coordination with the Shogitai, but following the defeat at the Battle of Ueno, he led the unit northward (together with former roju Ogasawara Nagamichi and his men), engaging in guerilla warfare as he moved farther into Mutsu Province.

Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Jr.

Ferraz Jr. is currently a consultant for the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, professor at the Autonomous University of Law, professor at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo and professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo, Largo San Francisco, where his predecessor in the chair was Prof. Goffredo da Silva Telles Jr.

Tiburón Island

Bighorn sheep were introduced to the island in the 1980's; hunting is managed by the tribal government in coordination with Mexican federal authorities.

Tulle murders

After the Normandy Landings, the 2nd Panzer Division received orders to position themselves in the region between Tulle and Limoges to suppress the Maquis, who, in coordination with the Allied invasion, were intensifying their insurgency against German interests and forces.

Ubay, Bohol

It is a PhilRice's national lead agency for the planning, coordination, implementation, and monitoring of all rice research and development activities in the Philippines.

United States Marine Corps Forces, Pacific

Marine forces can work in coordination with the other components of the United States Pacific Command, such as the United States Army Pacific, the United States Pacific Fleet, the Pacific Air Forces, Special Operations Commands in the area.

Universidad de Sonora

The University is part of the UN Regional Coordination of Activities in Basic Space Science for America, an aerospace consortium based in Vienna, Austria, and co-sponsored by the European Space Agency.

Wilburt S. Brown

During this period, four Army infantry and two Marine divisions were trained in amphibious warfare at the base and Brown became one of the pioneers in the coordination of naval gunfire, artillery, and air support.

Zaur Ardzinba

Nevertheless, on 18 November Khajimba and Ardzinba announced that they would continue to coordinate their campaigns, and that they had appointed chairman of Aruaa Vadim Smyr to lead this coordination.

see also