Additional documents were found after a battle on the North San Gabriel River on May 17 and on May 18, 1839, after a party of Texas Rangers defeated a group of Mexicans and Cherokee.
Boxer Rebellion | Indian Rebellion of 1857 | Rancho Cordova, California | Irish Rebellion of 1798 | Cordova | rebellion | Taiping Rebellion | Rebellion | Lower Canada Rebellion | Rebellion Developments | Rancho Cordova | Morant Bay rebellion | Shimabara Rebellion | Nat Turner's slave rebellion | Münster Rebellion | Cordova, Tennessee | Whiskey Rebellion | Upper Canada Rebellion | North-West Rebellion | Irish Rebellion of 1641 | Irish Rebellion | Irish rebellion | Dhofar Rebellion | Darwin Rebellion | Cornish Rebellion of 1497 | Yellow Turban Rebellion | Wexford Rebellion | Stono Rebellion | Roberto Suazo Córdova | Red River Rebellion |