
3 unusual facts about Cornelis Tromp

Claes Uggla

On 1 June 1676, during the Battle of Öland, against the allied Danish and Dutch fleets under Niels Juel and Cornelis Tromp, Creutz's flagship Kronan capsized, as a result of intemperately turning hard south, even though under full sail with open cannon ports.

Niels Juel

A few days after the battle of Jasmund, Cornelis Tromp son of Maarten with 17 fresh Danish and Dutch ships of the line, superseded Juel in the supreme command.


Through inheritance the house came into the possession of the widow of Van Hellemont Raephorst who remarried on January 25, 1667 with Admiral Cornelis Tromp.

see also

Johan Kievit

Even before the conspiracy was discovered, Kievit was fired from his position in the gecommitteerde raden, because he published a libelous pamphlet, entitled Brief van den heer van Sommelsdijk ("Letter of Lord Sommelsdijk"), in which he defended his brother-in-law lieutenant-admiral Cornelis Tromp's conduct during the St. James's Day Battle, disparaging lieutenant-admiral Michiel de Ruyter at the same time.