
4 unusual facts about Cornelis de Bie

Hieronymus Wierix

According to Cornelis de Bie's book of artist biographies Het Gulden Cabinet he and his brothers Jan and Antoine were all engravers.

Laurens Janszoon Coster

Hadrianus Junius, otherwise known as Adriaen de Jonghe, wrote this story around 1567 in his book Batavia, published only in 1588, and was quoted by Cornelis de Bie.

Nicolas-Pierre Loir

Cornelis de Bie wrote a commemorative poem to his art on page 491 of his book Het Gulden Cabinet

Palamedes Palamedesz

Palamedes primarily painted battle scenes that were mentioned in Cornelis de Bie's Het Gulden Cabinet.

The Great Theatre of Dutch Painters

Cornelis de Bie published his Het Gulden Cabinet in 1662, André Félibien published his Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellents peintres anciens et modernes in 1666, and these were followed by Jacob von Sandrart's illustrated Teutsche Akademie in 1668.

see also