In 2000, the Northern Beltline was added to the area’s Transportation Plan, and in 2001, Senator Richard Shelby and Congressman Spencer Bachus secured $60 million to buy right-of-way and do preliminary engineering for the route.
Through the continued efforts of representative Spencer Bachus, in June 1995, the project was designated by the Federal Highway Administration as part of the National Highway System.
Northeast Corridor | Island Eastern Corridor | Capitol Corridor | Wakhan Corridor | Pan-European Corridor X | Shock Corridor | Polish Corridor | East-West Corridor | Central Corridor Rail Line | Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor | Alameda Corridor | West Berlin Air Corridor | U.S. Route 48 (Corridor H) | Trans-Texas Corridor | Standard Corridor | Springwater Corridor | Red Rock Corridor | Quality Bus Corridor | Polish corridor | Persian Corridor | Pan-European corridor X | Pan-European Corridor IV | Northwest Corridor HOV/BRT | Northeast Corridor Line | Mesoamerican Biological Corridor | Hexi Corridor | H. B. Van Duzer Forest State Scenic Corridor | Eastern Transport Corridor | Corridor G | Central Corridor (Union Pacific Railroad) |
Pan-European Corridor X, a corridor that passes through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece