
5 unusual facts about Corymbia calophylla

Beelu National Park

The park contains an abundance of native flora including Jarrah, Marri, Zamia, Bull Banksia, Sheoak and Grass tree.

Georgiana Molloy

John Lindley, Professor of Botany at University College London, for example, described many new species from her collections, including Corymbia calophylla.

Old Coast Road

The countryside for this part is mostly jarrah and marri forest with some wetland vegetation and some cleared land being used for farming, especially around Myalup.

Red-capped Parrot

Its natural habitat is Marri (Corymbia calophylla), but has adpated to farmland, orchards and suburban landscapes in Perth.

Xanthorrhoea preissii

Its occurrence is a characteristic of two other Marri (Corymbia calophylla) communities, but the Marri/Xanthorrhoea community is distinguished by the drier soils of the communities range along the eastern edge of the Swan Coastal Plain.

Millbridge, Western Australia

The suburb contains a mix of jarrah, marri, sheoak and banksia woodland as well as wetland areas with flooded gums and paperbarks, which provide habitat to a wide range of waterbirds and mammals.

see also