
unusual facts about Craioveşti


Anna de Noailles

Born Princess Anna Elisabeth Bibesco-Bassaraba de Brancovan in Paris, she was a descendant of the Bibescu and Craioveşti families of Romanian boyars.

House of Basarab

Several late rulers of the Craiovești claimed direct descent from the House after its eventual demise, including Neagoe Basarab, Matei Basarab, Constantin Șerban, Șerban Cantacuzino, and Constantin Brâncoveanu.

Vlad cel Tânăr

He took the throne from Mircea III Dracul on the 8th of April in 1510 with the help of Mehmet the Ottoman and with the support of the Craiovești family.

Vlad VI Înecatul

In October, after a further unsuccessful rebellion of the Oltenian nobility led by Craioveşti pretender to the throne Drăghici Gogoaşă, who was subsequently executed in Constantinople, Vlad ended Craioveşti's line of succession to the Banat of Craiova.

see also