
2 unusual facts about Cristina Alberdi

El gato al agua

There are usually four or five guests, usually from the most conservative scene, but also former Socialist politicians like Joaquin Leguina (fomer Socialist President of the Community of Madrid), Cristina Alberdi (former Minister of the Socialist Government of Felipe Gonzalez), Antonio Miguel Carmona (MP of the Socialist Party) or Xavier Nart, lawyer and self-declared as left-wing politically oriented, chaired by Antonio Jiménez.

Inés Alberdi

Her husband, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, is the former governor of the Bank of Spain and her sister is a former Social Affairs Minister Cristina Alberdi.

see also


Inés Alberdi (born 1948), Spanish sociologist, Executive Director of UNIFEM and younger sister of Cristina Alberdi