
unusual facts about Criterion Collection

James Naremore

He has recorded a commentary track with fellow film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum for the Criterion Collection release of Orson Welles's "Mr. Arkadin" (1955) and for the Universal 50th anniversary DVD of "Touch of Evil" (1958).

The Adventures of Harry Lime

A recording of the 1951 "A Ticket to Tangiers" episode of The Lives of Harry Lime series is available on the Criterion Collection DVD edition of The Third Man.

In addition, recordings of the 1952 episodes Man of Mystery, Murder on the Riviera and Blackmail is a Nasty Word are included on the Criterion Collection DVD The Complete Mr. Arkadin.

Voices of Light

When the Criterion Collection released the film on DVD, they included as an audio option a specially edited performance - using the 1995 recording - of the oratorio as a soundtrack accompanying the film.

see also

Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood

The film is featured in the Criterion Collection edition of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

The Living Skeleton

Professor Ryan Dixon of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln referred to the Criterion Collection's eclipse set, calling the film "the most accomplished and sophisticated of the quartet in terms of its visual structure and narrative" and along with Genocide, "easily the most interesting entries".