Dolf: Born in Amstelveen, his full name is Rudolf Hefting, and at the age of 16 becomes the active leader of the crusade.
First Crusade | Third Crusade | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Fourth Crusade | Albigensian Crusade | Eighth Crusade | Seventh Crusade | Second Crusade | Just Jeans | Jeans | Fifth Crusade | Armani jeans | Sixth Crusade | Mavi Jeans | Armani Jeans (brand) | Armani Jeans | Aragonese Crusade | Pepe Jeans | Ninth Crusade | jeans | James Hopwood Jeans | Crusade in Europe | Wrangler (jeans) | Venus in Blue Jeans | Ursula Jeans | third Crusade | The Swinging Blue Jeans | The Blurred Crusade | Susi Jeans | Sixth crusade |
Henry also wrote the music for several theatre projects and the soundtrack of the Belgian television series Sedes & Belli, as well as Crusade in Jeans, a movie based on a children's novel by Thea Beckman.