
unusual facts about Cumae

Portus Julius

To disguise the activities even more, an access tunnel was dug from Lake Averno north to the town of Cumae.


Cumae |

Battle of Mount Gaurus

The battle is described by the Roman historian Livy (59 BC – AD 17) as part of the Book Seven of his history of Rome, Ab Urbe Condita where he narrates how the Roman consul Marcus Valerius Corvus won a hard-fought battle against the Samnites at Mount Gaurus, near Cumae, in Campania.

Cumaean Sibyl

Geoffrey Hill's poem "After Cumae" in For the Unfallen (1958) also refers to the Sibyl's 'mouthy cave'.

Titus Geganius Macerinus

Envoys were sent by ship to buy grain from the coastal towns of Etruria, the Volsci and others to the south as far as Cumae.

see also