
unusual facts about Volsci



Corioli was a town in ancient times in the territory of the Volsci in central Italy, in Latium adiectum.

Roman-Sabine wars

During the period of popular discontent in Rome which led to the First secessio plebis in 494 BC, each of the Volsci, Sabines and the Aequi took up arms at the same time.

Roman–Latin wars

During the 5th century the Latins were threatened by invasion from the Aequi and the Volsci, as part of a larger pattern of Sabellian-speaking peoples migrating out of the Apennines and into the plains.

Titus Geganius Macerinus

Envoys were sent by ship to buy grain from the coastal towns of Etruria, the Volsci and others to the south as far as Cumae.

see also