Amongst the native Australian flora there are tree ferns, as well as exotic cultivated plants from cool climates including Rhododendron and Magnolia and the National Species Rose Collection.
The wet, mountain rainforest of Mountain Ash (with at least one specimen 90 metres tall, 7 metres wide and approaching 300 years old), Blackwood and Mountain Grey Gum supports a wide variety of plants and animals, such as the tree ferns, wombat, possum, platypus, Crimson Rosella, lyrebird and many others.
Webs have also been found near hollows in mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans), the bases of tree ferns (Cyatheales), and even under bridges.
The surrounding cloud forests are protected by the Pico Codazzi Natural Monument, though some signs of deforestation are visible due to the high tourist demand from Caracas, and the extraction of tree fern, sold dry for growing orchids.
Cyathea alderwereltii is a species of tree fern endemic to Mount Sago in central Sumatra, where it is nevertheless abundant and grows in forest at an altitude of 1000-1500 m.
Cyathea excavata is a species of tree fern endemic to the Cameron Highlands in Peninsular Malaysia, where it grows in habitats ranging from forest, streamsides, clearings and open grassy areas at an altitude of approximately 1800 m.