And every one said: 'This expulsion (of the Romans) and victory of the Moslem is due to the wickedness of the emperor Heraclius and his persecution of the Orthodox through the patriarch Cyrus.
Alexandria | Alexandria, Virginia | Miley Cyrus | Catherine of Alexandria | Billy Ray Cyrus | Alexandria, Louisiana | Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria | Cyrus | Alexandria, Minnesota | Cyrus the Great | Cyril of Alexandria | Cyrus Vance | Clement of Alexandria | Pappus of Alexandria | Cyrus S. Eaton | Athanasius of Alexandria | Hesychius of Alexandria | Patriarch of Alexandria | Cyrus McCormick | Cyrus Faryar | Cyrus Adler | Alexandria, Tennessee | Macarius of Alexandria | Cyrus the Younger | Cyrus of Alexandria | Cyrus McCormick Farm | Cyrus Hamlin | Cyrus Chestnut | Alexandria Bay, New York | Victoria College, Alexandria |