DC Direct was the collectibles division of DC Comics, the Time Warner subsidiary that publishes comic books and licenses characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Batman, Aquaman and Hawkgirl, from 1998 until April of 2012.
Direct current | direct current | direct action | Turbocharged Direct Injection | High-voltage direct current | Direct marketing | Joint Direct Attack Munition | Direct memory access | Portsmouth Direct Line | National Academy of Direct Taxes | International direct dialing | Supporters Direct | Saab Direct Ignition | Memphis: Direct from Broadway | Direct-response marketing | Direct reduced iron | Direct Metal Laser Sintering | Direct metal laser sintering | direct marketing | Direct Factory Outlets | direct democracy | Direct-broadcast satellite | Warranty Direct | Sockets Direct Protocol | Sega Direct | SCSI Pass-Through Direct | Ridge Racer Type 4 Direct Audio | Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) | Remote direct memory access | Lombard Direct |