
unusual facts about DEM


In the CFD-DEM, the motion of discrete solids or particles phase is obtained by the Discrete Element Method (DEM) which applies Newton's laws of motion to every particle, while the flow of continuum fluid is described by the local averaged Navier–Stokes equations that can be solved using the traditional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach.

158th New York State Legislature

For the first time there were three women in the Legislature: Ex-Assemblywoman Rhoda Fox Graves (Rep.), of Gouverneur, a former school teacher who after her marriage became active in women's organisations and politics, was the first woman elected to the State Senate; Assemblywoman Doris I. Byrne (Dem.), a lawyer from the Bronx, was re-elected; and Jane H. Todd (Rep.), of Tarrytown, was also elected to the Assembly.

1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown

Because Dem’janov’s answers to calls from the GCI station sounded uncertain, he was finally ordered back to Ak-Tepe AB and instead, at 06:52 AM, Lt.Col.


Weitere prominente Beispiele für die Verwendung dieses Baustoffes sind der Ludgerus-Dom in Billerbeck, die Innenausstattung der zwischen Billerbeck und Coesfeld gelegenen Abtei Gerleve und der Longinusturm auf dem Westerberg.


The context is that Oberleutnant Thomas Legler, (1782-1835, born in Glarus) who served in the II corps of Marshal Nicolas Oudinot in Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion army in Russia in his memoirs Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem russischen Feldzug tells how his commander during the Battle on 28 November 1812 reminded him of the song and asked him to sing it.


1987 Golo Mann for„seine dem Bodensee geltenden essayistischen und autobiographischen Schriften“

Boreal Transport Bane

However, Gråkallbanen pointed out to the politicians that is was possible to purchase used articulated trams for DEM 20,000 from the Stuttgart Stadtbahn.


Philologische Untersuchungen aus dem Mittelalter, Ludwig Traube, pp.399-395, Abhandlungen der königlichen bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Klasse 19, 1894.

Christian Lobeck

See the article by L Friedländer in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie; Conrad Bursian's Geschichte der klassischen Philologie in Deutschland (1883); Lehrs, Populäre Aufsätze aus dem Altertum (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1875); Lüdwich, Ausgewählte Briefe von und an Chr. Aug. Lobeck und K. Lehrs (1894); also JE Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship (1st ed. 1908).

Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod

Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod (German: The Dative is to the Genitive its death) is a series of books by Bastian Sick which deal in an entertaining manner with areas of contention in grammar, orthography, and punctuation, and unappealing and clumsy uses of the German language.

Dunsfold Aerodrome

It received support from Age Concern Waverley, Guildford Labour Party, Farnham Labour Party, Cranleigh Labour Party and the former Lib Dem MP for Guildford, Sue Doughty.


The sentence "Wer keine Angst vor dem Teufel hat, braucht auch keinen Gott" (Who doesn't fear the devil, doesn't need a god) comes from the novel "The Name of the Rose" (Umberto Eco, 1980).

Ernst Behm

In 1872 Behm published an article (Beweise für die Identität des Lualaba mit dem Congo), which scientifically demonstrated that the Lualaba was a headstream of the Congo River.


Walter Pohl: Die Gepiden und die gentes an der mittleren Donau nach dem Zerfall des Attilareiches.

Franz Johann Joseph Bock

Baldachin-Altäre aus St. Stephan in Wien und aus der Teinkirche zu Prag; oder: wie ist es mit dem Neubaue von Altären zu halten?, In: Organ für christliche Kunst, 7 (1857), Nr. 21, 241–243 u.

Funds for Endangered Parrots

The convention in 2008 will be held at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart and 2009 dem Vogelpark Walsrode.

George Karsten

Das Phytoplankton des Atlantischen Ozeans nach dem Material der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899 (Phytoplankton of the Atlantic Ocean from the German Deep-sea Valdivia Expedition); (1906).

Girls Dem Sugar

"Girls Dem Sugar" was released September 14, 2000 in the United States as the second single from Davis 2000 studio album Art and Life.

Gottfried Keller

Hartmann characterizes two of the stories in Die Leute von Seldwyla as immortal: “Die drei gerechten Kammacher” he views as the most satyric and scorching attack on the sordid petit bourgeois morality ever penned by any writer, and “Romeo und Julie auf dem Dorfe” as one of the most pathetic tales in literature (Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet plot in a Swiss village setting).

Hans Schinz

As a result of the expedition, he published Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Forschungsreisen durch die deutschen Schutzgebiete Groß- Nama- und Hereroland, nach dem Kunene, dem Ngamisee und Kalahari, 1884-1887 (German South West Africa: Research Expedition of Herero and Nama Country, the Kunene Region, Lake Ngami and the Kalahari- 1884-1887).

Heinz Piontek

In 1976, he was awarded the Georg Büchner Prize by the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung for his literary oeuvre with the words "einem Lyriker, der Farbe, Melos und Kontur zu vereinen weiß; einem Essayisten, der sich dem dichten und zugleich schwingenden Satz hingibt; einem Erzähler, der Zeit, Umwelt und Schicksal hereinzieht, ohne sich ihnen anders als in persönlich gefärbter Sprache und Gestalt zu unterwerfen".

Henry Jager

He came in last, behind Dow H. Drukker (Rep.), James J. O'Byrne (Dem.), Gordon Demarest (Soc.) and Henry C. Whitehead (Progr.).


Die Orgel (erbaut 1812 durch Nikolaus Schuble, Pfaffenweiler) weist von diesem Meister neben dem historischen Prospekt (Orgel) die einzigen erhaltenen Register auf.

I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama!

I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama! also contains the hits "Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)", "Kozmic Blues" and "To Love Somebody".

Johannes Haw

Johannes Maria Haw (b. 26 May 1871; d. 28 October 1949) was a German Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Johannesbund of Leutesdorf and of the religious communities of the Community of the Sisters of St John of Mary the Queen (Ordensgemeinschaft der Johannesschwestern von Maria Königin) and the Society of Missionaries of Saint John the Baptist (die Gemeinschaft der Missionare vom Hl. Johannes dem Täufer).

Johannes Quasten

1960 Cardinal Spellman Award of the Catholic Theological Association of America for his Verdienste auf dem Gebiet der Theologie

Jonas Totoraitis

He went on to Freiburg University in Switzerland, where he published his doctoral dissertation on the life of King Mindaugas, Die Litauer unter dem König Mindowe bis zum Jahre 1263, the first such work by a Lithuanian scholar.

Karl, 12th Prince Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau

He is second cousin of Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein both being descendants of Count Ferdinand Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau, son of Ferdinand Bonaventura, 7th Prince Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau and third cousin of Willem-Alexander, King of The Netherlands both being descendants of Baron Julius von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen.


Jahrhundert entdeckte man auf der Flur des Ortes nahe dem Fluss Zschopau Silbererz.

Liber de Causis

Otto Bardenhewer, Die pseudo-aristotelische Schrift ueber das reine Gute bekannt unter dem Namen Liber de Causis: Arabic text, German translation

Lüneburg University

In Zusammenarbeit mit Daniel Libeskind, Professor für Architekturentwurf an der Leuphana, soll auf dem Hauptcampus der university eine Baugruppe mit neuem Audimax entstehen.

Massacre of the Sixty

It was considered the sudden death of the hopes that Ethiopia's revolution, barely ten weeks old, could remain bloodless, as epitomised by the slogan "Ityopiya tikdem, yala mimin dem” — “Let Ethiopia progress, without any bloodshed”.

Mignon Mignon

According to Jamba, the song's melody is not a plagiat of Serge Gamany's work but a reprise of the "3 Chinesen mit dem Kontrabaß" song (which is a famous popular German song) ; the melody of "Mignon Mignon" and "3 Chinesen mit dem Kontrabaß" is effectively the same, making Serge Gamany losing his trial.

Nina Ruge

In the 1999 cinema film Wer liebt, dem wachsen Flügel (On the Wings of Love) Nina Ruge appeared in the role of Clarissa together with Maximilian Schell, Gudrun Landgrebe and Mathieu Carrière.

Now Generation Band

Songs they recorded included "Dem Ha Fe Get a Beatin" and "Maga Dog" by Peter Tosh, (Joe Gibbs); "Beat Down Babylon" by Junior Byles, (Lee Perry); "Baby Don't Do it" and "Things in Life" by Dennis Brown, (Lloyd Matador); "Breakfast in Bed" by Lorna Bennett, (Harry J); "Life Is Just for Living" by Ernie Smith, "Shaft" by The Chosen Few (Derrick Harriott); plus "Y Mas Gan" by The Abyssinians.

Richie Spice

His song "Youth Dem Cold" was featured on Grand Theft Auto IVs Massive B Soundsytem 96.9 and the ending sound track of Attack the Block.

Rosen aus dem Süden

Rosen aus dem Süden (Roses From the South), Op. 388, is a waltz medley composed by Johann Strauss II in 1880 with its themes drawn from the operetta Das Spitzentuch der Königin (The Queen's Lace Handkerchief) inspired by a novel by Heinrich Bohrmann-Riegen.


Schwally, Das Leben nach dem Tode (The Life After Death), pp.

Snap music

As this rivalry continued, the resident DJ of Atlanta's Pool Palace DJ T-Roc has claimed that K-Rab was making snap long before Dem Franchize Boys and D4L.

Tone Float

These often included a bonus audio-track, erroneously titled "Vor dem blauen Bock", which in fact is an instrumental track named "Rückstoss Gondoliere", from a 22 May 1971 performance by Kraftwerk on the Bremen Beat-Club TV show.

United States Senate election in North Dakota, 1976

Only Burdick filed as a Dem-NPLer, and the endorsed Republican candidate was Robert Stroup, as state senator from Hazen, North Dakota.

Valley County, Montana

In 2004 Valley County voted 62% for Bush/Cheney (GOP) and 36% for Kerry/Edwards (DEM) for president.

In 2008 Valley County voted 56% for McCain/Palin (GOP) and 43% for Obama/Biden (DEM) for president.

Virgin Killer

--'So etwas wie mit dem Mädchen würden wir nie wieder machen", sagte Scorpions-Gründer Rudolf Schenker kürzlich in einem Interview.'--> The band's former lead guitarist Uli Jon Roth notes that the cover art of the "old Scorpion albums" were "usually done by other people.

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege ("On the misfortune and fortune of art in Germany after the last war") is a 1990 book-length essay by the German writer and filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.

Wonderloch Kellerland

The name relates to Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground (German: “Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch”) and Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Xenia Hausner

Damenwahl- Berichte aus dem Labor, mit Beiträgen von André Heller, Elfriede Jelinek und Peter Weiermair, deutsch/englisch, Übersetzung von P. J. Blumenthal und Allison Brown, Wienand Verlag, Köln 2003.

Zdzisława Donat

She returned to that theatre in 1987, for Constanze in Die Entführung aus dem Serail, in John Dexter's production.

see also