Only the following survived: Weird Tales, having been bought in 2005 by Wildside Press; Mythic Delirium, which parted with DNA Publications around the same time; and Wilder Publications, assuming it is now part of Tir Na Nog Press.
Although initially founded in Massachusetts by Lapine, the company later relocated to Radford, Virginia.
DNA | DNA sequencing | SAGE Publications | Mitochondrial DNA | DNA replication | mitochondrial DNA | Dover Publications | Krause Publications | DNA repair | DNA polymerase | Cemetery Dance Publications | ancient DNA | Recombinant DNA | nuclear DNA | DNA profiling | DNA ligase | Ancient DNA | Uracil-DNA glycosylase | Sage Publications | Lev Gleason Publications | Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup | Fleetway Publications | DNA fragmentation | DNA barcoding | All-American Publications | Advance Publications | Yaquinto Publications | recombinant DNA | Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | Obscene Publications Act 1959 |