DNA | DNA sequencing | Mitochondrial DNA | analysis | DNA replication | mitochondrial DNA | functional analysis | Fourier analysis | DNA repair | Mathematical analysis | mathematical analysis | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | Genetic analysis | harmonic analysis | DNA polymerase | ancient DNA | SWOT analysis | Recombinant DNA | nuclear DNA | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis | Formal concept analysis | DNA profiling | DNA ligase | Cluster analysis | Behavioral Analysis Unit | Ancient DNA | Uracil-DNA glycosylase | Schenkerian analysis | Isotope analysis | intelligence analysis |
This method of feeding is likely to give them good dispersal capabilities and it has been shown by DNA analysis that there is a high rate of gene flow between populations round different vents.
First collected in 1963 and thought to be a Little Shearwater (Puffinus assimilis) it was determined using DNA analysis to be distinct in 2011.
Ornithidium donaldeedodii is a species of orchid "discovered" in April 2010 when DNA analysis showed that a wrongly labeled orchid at the University of California Botanical Garden in Berkeley, California, was actually a distinct new species.
One day later the murderer was arrested through a DNA analysis match and sentenced to life imprisonment.
The initial DNA analysis revealed 11 male and 1 female among those 12 found at the site.
Until DNA analysis can prove otherwise, it is this classification which is accepted here.
According to a DNA analysis, his ancestries are, mainly, Temne and Mende people of Sierra Leone.
According to recent anthropological and DNA-analysis the skeletons of a female and a male were compiled from body parts of at least 6 different human individuals.
However, subsequent morphological, chemical, and DNA analysis by faculty members and undergraduates confirmed that it was indeed a pumpkin.
The DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 (H.R. 4640, 42 U.S.C. 14135 et seq.) is a United States Act of Congress that primarily allows U.S. States to carry out DNA analyses for use in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System and to collect and analyse DNA samples.
Based on the mitochondrial DNA analysis results, many species of Elaphe have been moved to the genera Bogertophis, Gonyosoma, Orthriophis, Pantherophis, Rhinechis, Senticolis, Zamenis and more.
All of the North American Gypsy Horse and Drum Horse registries employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky to perform DNA analysis and maintain a database of registered horses' DNA markers.
The Center has a Regional Facility for Genetic Fingerprinting, which provides DNA analysis services for forensic and criminal investigations, paternity disputes, identification of wildlife remains, authentication of plants and seeds besides a battery of molecular diagnostics for genetic and infectious diseases.
Niraj Rai of the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India carried out ancient DNA analysis on these human bone remains excavated from the St. Augustine convent by sequencing and genotyping of the Mitochondrial DNA.
All supposed kting voar specimens that were subject to DNA analysis to date have turned out to be artificially shaped cattle horns (Hassanin et al., 2001; Thomas, Seveau, and Hassanin, 2001; Hassanin, 2002).
Little is known of the reproduction of Labidiaster annulatus but the larvae pass through at least one bipinnaria and one brachiolaria stage as has been demonstrated by DNA analysis.
Using DNA analysis, the divergence date estimated for clades within the Formicidae imply that most ant subfamilies originate in the late Cretaceous period.
Few cases of animal species arising from hybridization are known (see Pomarine Skua or Mariana Mallard), although with DNA analysis more are being found.
Subsequently, using DNA from a descendant of Van Zandt, Dr. Odile Loreille, an expert in DNA analysis, was also able to identify the remains using mitochondrial and Y-DNA identification.
Recent DNA analysis indicated O. ficus-indica was domesticated from Opuntia species native to central Mexico.
According to a DNA analysis, he descended, mainly, from Mende people of Sierra Leone and Balanta people of Guinea Bissau.
Richard J. Schmidt, American, first person convicted of a crime on evidence from viral DNA analysis
According to a DNA analysis, his ancestries are mainly the Yoruba people of Nigeria.
Recent maternal mitochondrial DNA analysis suggests that Polynesian seafarers, including Tongans, Samoans, Niueans, Cook Islanders, Tahitians, Hawaiians, Marquesans and Māori, are genetically linked to indigenous peoples of parts of Southeast Asia, including those of Taiwan.
In March 2010, Pääbo and his coworkers published a report about the DNA analysis of a finger bone found in the Denisova Cave in Siberia; the results suggest that the bone belonged to an extinct member of the genus Homo that had not yet been recognized, the Denisova hominin.
By 2010, DNA analysis, sponsored by the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass, was able to formally identify the Elder Lady to be Queen Tiye.
From 2003 to 2008, DNA analysis showed that the Gattera and Borgogna grapes from the commune of Castelcucco in the province of Treviso and the Refosco di Guarnieri grape from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine region were identical to Trevisana nera.
It also conducts all DNA analysis for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
DNA analysis has shown it is closely related to X. subtomentosus it was probably previously overlooked due to its similar appearance.