
3 unusual facts about Opuntia ficus-indica

Neighborhoods of Beersheba

Streets in this neighborhood are named after plants that grow in the Negev, such as Atad, Shita and Tzabar.

Opuntia ficus-indica

Recent DNA analysis indicated O. ficus-indica was domesticated from Opuntia species native to central Mexico.

Kishkashta, a main character on a 1970-80s Israeli children's show, "Ma Pit'om", was a large, talking felt puppet of the Opuntia cactus.

Aeginetia indica

Aeginetia indica is a holoparasitic herb of the Orobanchaceae family of plants, which occurs in Asia and is commonly known as Forest Ghost Flower.

Canna speciosa

speciosa to be a synonym of C. indica L., however, Tanaka's DNA assays demonstrate that the C. indica complex can be clearly distinguished from other taxa, as a result he recognises this as a separate species.

Cannabis indica

In 1785, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published a description of a second species of Cannabis, which he named Cannabis indica.

Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family.

Christian Lassen

On his return to Bonn he studied Arabic, and took the degree of Ph.D., his dissertation discussing the Arabic notices of the geography of the Punjab (Commentario geographica historica de Pentapotamia Indica, Bonn, 1827).

Flagellaria indica

Flagellaria indica is a climbing plant found in many of the tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World, India, Southeast Asia, Polynesia, and Australia.


There are several hybrids between F. indica and Caralluma species.

Ikema Wetland

, Cyperus tenuispica Streud, Cyoerus pillosus Vahl, Cyperus difformis, Eleocharis geniculata, Fimbristylis miliacea and Aeschynomene indica.


It was led by Werner Nussbaumer, a physician from Gravesano, former member of the Greens and known for his actions aimed at promoting Cannabis indica for therapeutical purposes.

John Nugent Fitch

Fitch also produced plates for Lepidoptera Indica by Frederic Moore.

Laurel Pigeon

The fruits of Til, Azores Laurel and Persea indica, and the fruits and leaves of Small-leaved Holly are the most frequently detected food items.

Pip Williams

More recently, Williams orchestrated several songs for Indica on their 2010 album A Way Away .

Salvia indica

A 2005 study found that extracts from the leaves and branches of S. indica had the highest inhibition rate of various pathogenic fungal colonies such as Stemphylium and Mucor.


Supplejack, Flagellaria indica a bamboo–like vine plant species native to eastern and northern Australia

Tuukka Tiensuu

He has also directed many music videos for popular Finnish artists such as Indica, Paleface and Petri Nygård.

William Vincent

In 1797 he issued his commentary on Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus (contained in the Indica), which he terms ‘the first event of general importance to mankind in the history of navigation’.

see also