# The labeled samples are then mixed with a propriety hybridization solution which may contain SDS, SSC, dextran sulfate, a blocking agent (such as COT1 DNA, salmon sperm DNA, calf thymus DNA, PolyA or PolyT), Denhardt's solution and formamine.
DNA | DNA sequencing | Mitochondrial DNA | DNA replication | mitochondrial DNA | DNA repair | DNA polymerase | ancient DNA | thought experiment | Recombinant DNA | nuclear DNA | Milgram experiment | DNA profiling | DNA ligase | Ancient DNA | Uracil-DNA glycosylase | New York State Agricultural Experiment Station | microarray | Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup | DNA fragmentation | DNA barcoding | The Spoony Experiment | The Sontaran Experiment | The Quatermass Experiment | The Final Experiment | recombinant DNA | O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase | Nuclear DNA | Liquid Tension Experiment | International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment |