
3 unusual facts about Dale Morningstar

Dale Morningstar

More recently, Morningstar was one of the contributing artists for the National Parks Project, recording an EP of atmospheric music in Prince Edward Island National Park with Sophie Trudeau of Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Chad Ross of The Deadly Snakes and Quest for Fire.

Morningstar has provided record production, mixing, and engineering for countless musicians over the years including Gordon Downie, Julie Doiron, Neko Case, Thrush Hermit, Tristan Psionic, The Cowboy Junkies, Yat-Kha, Barenaked Ladies, hHead, The Inbreds and Kyp Harness.

Prince Edward Island National Park

The park was the subject of a short film in 2011's National Parks Project, directed by John Walker and scored by Chad Ross, Sophie Trudeau and Dale Morningstar.

see also