Chief Frans Migub ǀGoagoseb (born 16 June 1954 in Gobabis) is a Namibian politician and Damara leader.
Missionary Hugo Hahn estimated in 1852 that the formation Jonker Afrikaner ruled over consisted of 1500 ethnic Oorlams, 2000 Hereros, and 2000 Damaras.
In 1970 they moved multiple Damara families here, which were in fact a village with a church and school development.
RN4 from RN2 at Damara, 76 km north of Bangui, north 554 km via Bouca and Batangafo to Sarh, Chad.
Damara | Damara Tern |
As with several other Kerivoula species, the Damara woolly bat will utilize the abandoned nests of weaverbirds and the Scarlet-chested Sunbird.
N. m. papillosus (Reichenow, 1894) - Damara Helmeted Guineafowl - southern Angola to Botswana and Namibia
The Turnhalle Conference was attended by 134 members of 11 ethnic groups: Ovaherero, Coloureds, Baster, Tswana, Damara, Ovambo, Caprivians, Nama, Kavango, San, and Whites.