
unusual facts about Dan McGuire

Sluggy Freelance

Even as early as 1999 The Tech, MIT's oldest and largest newspaper provided a stellar review by Contributing Editor Dan McGuire of Abram's first printed collection, Is It Not Nifty? Poking fun at the Internet's stereotypical association with pornography, McGuire introduces Sluggy Freelance as a cutting edge alternative endeavor on this virtual frontier and the relative artistic freedom it allows its creator, and ability to speak well to the culture of its audiences.

Unknown Instructors

The Unknown Instructors are an all-star improvisational rock outfit that features the former rhythm section of The Minutemen and Firehose, bassist Mike Watt and drummer George Hurley; Saccharine Trust members, guitarist Joe Baiza and vocalist Jack Brewer; and vocalist/saxophonist Dan McGuire.

see also