It is located in the Douglas community area and has an official address of 3300 South Federal Street and is roughly bounded by 31st Street, State Street, 35th Street and the Dan Ryan Expressway.
Illinois | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | California Institute of Technology | Art Institute of Chicago | Institute for Advanced Study | American Institute of Architects | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Peoria, Illinois | Georgia Institute of Technology | Rockford, Illinois | Evanston, Illinois | Springfield, Illinois | academic journal | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | German Academic Exchange Service | Rochester Institute of Technology | Queensland University of Technology | Franklin Institute | technology | Royal Institute of Technology | Pasteur Institute | Institute of Contemporary Arts | Delft University of Technology | California Institute of the Arts | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | British Film Institute | Vienna University of Technology | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Northern Illinois University | Cook County, Illinois |