
unusual facts about Dangerously Close


Their music is also featured in the 1984 movie Suburbia, the 1985 version of popular horror movie Return of the Living Dead, Summer Sessions (Skateboarding Video) in 1985 and Dangerously Close in 1986.

J. Eddie Peck

Peck has also appeared in films such as Dangerously Close, Lambada and Blind Heat, and was one of the hosts of the Miss USA 1998 pageant.

Zeebrugge Raid

A bearing was taken from the buoy to the base of the mole at Zeebrugge by a ship sailing from the buoy to the mole despite a mist which reduced visibility to a mile and meant that the ship would advance dangerously close to German shore batteries.

see also

Agar's Island, Bermuda

Although the ring of fortresses operated by the Royal Garrison Artillery held munitions stores in their magazines, central supply depots were also operated by the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, which operated a depot on Ordnance Island, dangerously close to the King's Square of St. George's town, and a wharf on East Broadway, on the outskirts of Hamilton.

Sahuarita Air Force Range

After the Korean War, the Strategic Air Command kept the airfield in service as an emergency flight strip, even though it was "dangerously close" to the targets used for training.