
4 unusual facts about Daniel Dolan

Clarence Kelly

Daniel Dolan, Anthony Cekada and Donald Sanborn, broke away from the SSPV in part due to Kelly's and others' rejection of the validity of bishops consecrated by or in the lineage of Roman Catholic archbishop Pierre Martin Ngô Đình Thục, and because they wanted to start an independent ministry to openly promote the sedevacantist position.

Daniel Dolan

As a seminarian at Écône in autumn 1973, he came to the conclusion that "the only logical explanation" for the New Mass and the alleged heresy of the Second Vatican Council was that Pope Paul VI had lost the Roman pontificate.

Dolan continued his work at his principal church in West Chester, Ohio.

Mark Pivarunas

On November 30, 1993, Bishop Pivarunas conferred episcopal consecration to Father Daniel Dolan in Cincinnati, Ohio, and on May 11, 1999, he also consecrated Martin Davila for the Sociedad Sacerdotal Trento to succeed Moisés Carmona.

see also