
3 unusual facts about Daniel Schneidermann

Daniel Schneidermann

In 1992, he began to write columns on television, daily at first, for Le Monde, critiquing the way in which TV presents information and influences viewers, continuing the tradition of television criticism begun thirty years earlier by writers like François Mauriac or Morvan Lebesque (see, on this subject, the book The Critical Eye - The Television Critic (L'œil critique - Le journaliste critique de télévision) by Jérôme Bourdon and Jean-Michel Frodon.

He became a columnist covering all the media, every Friday, in the daily newspaper Libération, whose publisher, Serge July, he had derided in 1989 in his book Where are the cameras? (Où sont les caméras ?) ; notably, July rebuked Schneidermann for having "changed sides."

Paul Amar

Since September 2007, Paul Amar presents Revu et corrigé every week on France 5, succeeding to Daniel Schneidermann and Arrêt sur images.

see also