
5 unusual facts about Daniel Yergin

Daniel Yergin

His next book was Russia 2010 and What It Means for the World, written with Thane Gustafson, which provided scenarios for the development of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Yergin interviewed many high profile people including Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Gordon Brown, Newt Gingrich, and Robert Rubin, as well as prominent economists.

This was followed by The Commanding Heights: the Battle for the World Economy, written with Joseph Stanislaw, which started out as a 60,000-word essay and described in narrative form the struggle over the "frontier" between governments and markets and the rise of globalization.

Jean Baptiste August Kessler

Daniel Yergin, in his history of oil The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power wrote that "more than any other man", Kessler was responsible for the survival of the Royal Dutch.

Singapore International Energy Week

On the opening day, the second annual Singapore Energy Lecture was delivered by Daniel Yergin, the Chairman & co-founder of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center

It consists of several members of international stature, such as John Hamre, Daniel Yergin, George M. Whitesides, and others.

Napier Collyns

He also served as a consultant on former colleague Daniel Yergin's Pulitzer Prize winning work The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power.

see also

Liz MacDonald

MacDonald has appeared on television with former presidential candidates, Congressmen and Senators, as well as notables such as Pat Buchanan, Ben Stein, Robert Reich, Art Laffer, Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes, energy expert Daniel Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, and Adam Posen, co-author with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Frederic Mishkin of a book about inflation-targeting.