
4 unusual facts about Daniele Gangemi

Daniele Gangemi

In this movie there are popular and talented actors and actresses like Alessandro Haber, Corrado Fortuna, Regina Orioli and Valentina Carnelutti and the soundtrack is written and performed by Giuliano Sangiorgi who is the moving voice of the Italian Negramaro band.

"Best First Feature" at the 42° "Worldfest International Independent Film Festival" ( Houston, Texas ) for the feature film "Una notte blu cobalto" ("Cobalt Blue Night")

In 2007 Daniele is hired to take care of the photography in the historical-religious movie “Petali di Rosa” with Claudia Koll and Antonella Ponziani.

In 2009 he is invited to the 42nd Worldfest International Independent Film Festival of Houston in Texas for the world premier of his movie “Una notte blu cobalto” getting the award for the ”Best First Feature”.

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