
2 unusual facts about Daniele Manin

Daniele Manin

His wife died at Marseille, and he himself reached Paris broken in health and almost destitute, having spent all his fortune for Venice.

National colours of Italy

In 1868, two years after the Austrians departed Venice following the Third Italian War of Independence, the remains of statesman Daniele Manin were brought to his native city and honoured with a public funeral.

Ettore Beggiato

This square is dedicated to the memory of Daniele Manin, an Venetian patriot, who led Venetian resistance against Austrian Empire occupation in the mid-19th century.

Svetozar Miletić

Miletić had come to the conclusion that the Serbian movement in the Vojvodina could be brought into line with the general Serbian aims of liberty and unity, and also with the wider European movement associated with such names as Niccolo Tommaseo, Daniele Manin, Mazzini, Garibaldi, Léon Gambetta and Castelar.

see also