Hà Huy Khoái studied in Vietnam under the "fathers" of Vietnamese mathematics Lê Văn Thiêm and Hoàng Tụy, and in Moscow at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics under Yuri I. Manin.
Manin had over 40 doctoral students, including Vladimir Berkovich, Mariusz Wodzicki, Alexander Beilinson, Ivan Cherednik, Alexei Skorobogatov, Vladimir Drinfeld, Vyacheslav Shokurov, Arend Bayer and Victor Kolyvagin, as well as foreign students including Hà Huy Khoái, now the most senior mathematician in Vietnam.
Yuri Gagarin | Yuri Bashmet | Yuri Milner | Yuri Orlov | Yuri Andropov | Yuri Shevchuk | Yuri Baturin | Yuri Rozum | Yuri Gurevich | Yuri Averbakh | Daniele Manin | Yuri Trutnev | Yuri Stern | Yuri Shatunov | Yuri Semin | Yuri Nikulin | Yuri Landman | Yuri Kara | Yuri I. Manin | Yuri Galanskov | Yuri Ebihara | Yuri Dmitrievich Petukhov | Yuri Bogatyryov | Yuri Arbachakov | Yuri Ahronovitch | Manin | Yuri Zhirkov | Yuri Zavadsky | Yuri Yunakov | Yuri Yakovich |